Look at all the Zaft following... I'm really being annihilated by scouts said no one ever. Hope that those that are enjoying the farm a Zaft Thursday are having fun. Wall me for a link!
Thanks for the gold knight...enjoy being farmed by one of kaws best...Zaft, maybe you guys can go back to GAW where you can still dominate . In KAW however, not so much anymore
Just saying zaft will be disbanded cause of the people leaving cause there getting farmed for being a zaftie Just my 2 cents
don't be like your enemy do this it works well when they think you will don't when they think you wont then do.
Lol Op. If you want to hit zaft then do it on your terms. We don't need players jumping on the band wagon blind folded. Your stats too low . You can't even hit most of zaft. So go do something proactive and leave the war to the clans who have a reason to fight zaft now.