Introducing Daily Sales

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. There's a starter pack? ?
  2. Clear due to asses
  3. You're welcome
  4. Stop spamming and derailing this thread please only warning.
  5. Devs can i buy your sales using western union,cos i dont have credit card.
  6. Wow selling eq. Always said why don't they. Unfortunately I was joking. Begining of the end lol
  7. What are the stats enchanted anyone know? Or is it even enchantable?
  8. :roll: "Beginning of the end" must be the most said thing in KaW history, up there will "farming", and "noob".
  9. I think that this seal idea may extend the lifetime of kaw not much but I like it.
  10. There's a glitch with daily sales. Just opened app for first time in the new day and got the sales pop up. I promptly close it as i once again get a garbage sales offer. However, I then check my news feed and low and I have a thank you for purchasing ten nobs notification. Real nice, ata.
  11. It's not even good calm down bruh
  12. More and more like gow
  13. It seems all of KaWs installments/changes recently is the 'beginning of the end' :lol: