Introduce Yourself (150+ Profiles)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kasama, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. Re: Introduce Yourself

    As I said a paranoid stalker for you
  2. Re: Introduce Yourself

    I don't even know u
  3. Re: Introduce Yourself

    I don't know you either. Your point? I wasn't on your ass but you sure are on mine. Now ain't you?
  4. Re: Introduce Yourself

    Hello my name is Juggernaut.
    Sometimes, when my gf is a sleep, i'll lube myself in, roll in a carpet, and act like i'm a giant snail. Wooozah
  5. Re: Introduce Yourself

  6. Re: Introduce Yourself

    roni, what was it about idea thieves?
    Edit: p3 duboyewwww bio
  7. Re: Introduce Yourself

    yes thats me i hold my hand up .but im already on that pedalstool .and you havent even took the first step up the kaw ladder. welcome to my world
  8. Re: Introduce Yourself

    Hun I don't care for a pedalstool or a spot light like you. I'm not a kid that needs to scream for attention. You however act as if you need it. Maybe you are not important or recognized irl. So on this game it matters to you so damn much.

    Why? Bcuz you are nothing more and its all you got.
  9. Re: Introduce Yourself

    omg I've been nice. Even offered to take u into shadows even though ur big fat ass would hardly fit in. u hurt my feeling now
  10. Re: Introduce Yourself

    Oh sure you have :roll:
  11. Re: Introduce Yourself

    lol one look at your thread with its perverted undertones and inuendos can see how much your screaming attention. dont bring your creepyness here its a family game .
  12. Re: Introduce Yourself

    sorry clicked twice double post
  13. Re: Introduce Yourself

    She is so totally perverted 
  14. Re: Introduce Yourself

    Well this thread is official ruined
  15. Re: Introduce Yourself

    shouldn't be stealing dubopuke's ideas.. p.3
  16. Re: Introduce Yourself

    Its called a jk besides I kept my posts clean thank you. As for others posts on it I can't control it. A donkey is also known as an ass. So tell me hun who is really the perv... Me for making the thread or others who laughed but expected more?
  17. Re: Introduce Yourself

  18. Re: Introduce Yourself

    Well at least I'm not posting my ass for everyone to see. Not just on 1 thread but now this 1 too. Who's the perv?
  19. Re: Introduce Yourself

    yes your right Lili .juggaurnauts comment is so similer to duboyez odd post. They should so insert a section for threads to be stamped n pattended so that every thread stays unique to you only.
  20. Re: Introduce Yourself

    reserved and stamped