Interview with --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--(KotFE)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Whose winning?
  2. Lol -oOz-. A more correct answer can't be found.
  3. The only way to tell who wins is if one or the other side ask for a cf. in my option it won't happen I have gone to war with kotfe. They won't give up they know what will happen and they are quite fine with that. They don't hole back there members to war they can leave when they want.
    As for zaft I've only heard of there great wars. Never have a fought with or against them. When two hardcore/oldschool clans fight it's not gonna be pretty.

    They take loss and both become closer in there family's.
    hell after this war they earn each other respect. Time will only tell.
  4. @ -ooz- so young to be so cynical. So true also
  5. Truth hurts

    And young?
    If I'm young then you're pretty old.
    My daughter, she's young
  6. @ public

    The pot is calling the kettle's black :D However, you have your freedom of speech too like any others as long as it's 1 pc account via 1 pc. Somehow, you do sounded like an apocalypse alt with all the biased posts :lol: Still I respect your speeches, your freedom in posting.

    As for propaganda, who's spreading propaganda since day 1 of war by posting bits of the Apocalypse vs zaft talk's conversation ss on 3rd party app to portrait laoda as a dictator? 1) A CEO of a company may not know all his employers' names? 2) It take up quite a bit of leaderships to have his followers to obey him.

    Zaft been through ups and downs through the years in kaw and numerous osw, even when laoda was holding on to a much smaller account than today, Ithaca and the rest of zaft still honour him and respect him. And I don't think Ithaca with that huge account needed to kiss his ass, instead he gave his huge account to laoda when he retired from this game shown how much he loves his leader. There must be something towards his leadership that amazed his people. If Zaft are not making noise about their leader, who are the rest to judge? Apocalypse picked this on Zaft and should just suck thumb, that's my opinion. Instead of being judgemental, look at all angles and be neutral towards facts.
  7. And also from the conversation ss, it shown laoda telling weezus that he doesn't like his name, pls change it. It's ironic, telling him it's unreasonable to force on renaming over a tag that can stand for anything. Zaft is never a walk over carpet. You started it, you sucking it.
  8. Someone should tell me what the conversation said...those ss don't show up on my phone :/
  9. @Butthurt

    I guess you didn't see the account that made a thread trying to pass as an Apoc leader surrendering. Destroyed build and lost 12/12 pretty enchanted gear. All because (seemed like) posted with the wrong device. Quite funny.
  10. @ IGrope

    Yea, I saw that and I can't help to admit it's funny and yet 100% stupid :lol:

    And stating war reports I do believe those are the truth, yet rather let time tell the truth.

    E.g Cheating take time for the developers to do some detective works to prove.

    Let actions speak louder than words. This I do believe as well. I guess Speaker is trying to give some head ups. However I also respect the fact Weezus choose not to taunt on their victories.

    This should be the biggest war in kaw history, yet the reason of this war started by Apocalypse's bullying I can't agreed to it.
  11. Hundreds of trillions are destroyed in this war, yet Zaft are defending one small guy and what are Apocalypse defending? The price of tag?
  12. ^ I sure hope English isn't your first language "bro".
  13. MG started rank 8 now rank 15 HoG rank 13 now 20 HiT squad rank 9 now 10 CR are holding there own and actually gaining in this war kotfe haven't moved, ZD where 1LB at one point now fourth more so through gains by there rivals. ZC maintain a consistent place around 8-10 zaft UK got hit hard but are steady now at 19 ZAFT also maintaining rank and carnage up from 20 to 16, chongo dropped an LB rank but romeo dropped a few too. as did ayirra but stripping LB is stupid as only a few players can get any bars in so you would just be increasing the banks.

    As for meatshields the ZAFT clans are more than capable of holding there own and so are apocalypse. It has always been WFTT it is even stated on the clan page, ZAFT aim to run as an efficient machine not as a group of battle hardened warriors, they fight for each other over themselves from the smallest account to the greatest alliance is all just a fine tuning of there capability to perform as a team.

    Apocalypse A group of people with the same goals they also strive to be number 1 through hours of effort, hard work and money. There is no power tripping here for that there needs to be power something to control yet the only thing the winner controls is the number 1 spot thats not power thats just an aim, a dream shared by all and many from the clans that rule the roost to the clans that set out. Both these alliances are more than deserving of that number 1 spot, but only 1 can have it.
  14. Why did you bump this
  15. I'm bumping it every 3 months to save it from being deleted
  16. It holds 0 purpose now
  17. It's history OLI!
  18. Must be looked at from future Kawers.