Interview with --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--(KotFE)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Cheese shut the hell up some people um reset. Haveing the devs look at an account don't mean ****. Because your but hurt you cry to the devs get over it.
  2. Whether it doesn't mean **** or not remains to be seen. I have put the devs on notice about the possible illegal accounts. They will investigate, and only time will tell what they choose to do.

    IDK who you are, random person. I am not hiding my identity, unlike you (coward). I think most people are perfectly aware that I did not reset. If you think you have proof that shows otherwise, I challenge you to post it here, publicly for all to see and let me wallow in a pool of my own shame.

    I don't even know what to say to your butt hurt comment. You'll need to explain more about why you think I'm butthurt.
  3. I'm not hiding ask kotfe if they know lucky. I've played for about 2 years game sucks now. I've reset and pretty much quit I'm one here to kill time and read the drama. Gives me a good laugh. Just like you.
  4. Then we have something in common.
  5. If I know anything. It's that cheese is 100% un-biased when it comes to me and my familia. And I think we agree on something.

    Go ahead sir.
  6. Well cheese is just gonna be a pest nightmare we all have haters and we all have lovers.
  7. I think he's saying that in spite of all the crap kotfe and I have been through, he actually agrees with me on something. I don't think he considers me a pest for that.
  8. Yea I believe your right after I retread it.
  9. lol cheese. You are truly a crybaby. :lol:

    I'm entitled to express my opinion just as you are. If it upsets you, that's your problem. Alts, mains, resets, or whatever can post forums at will. Good luck crying to the devs, it's not going to stop anything.

    and stay on topic. This thread is about the zaft apoc war and nightmare's interview, go back to one of your many inane threads and cry there.

    So is OP going to interview loada again and ask real questions?
  10. The more "lols" I see in a person's post, the more insecure I think they are.

    True story.

    It is my problem, but I'm not the only person upset by cowards like you making a mockery of war banter by hiding behind an alt. If your clan refuses to let you post in forums, and you can't resist the urge to, then it's time to find yourself a new clan.

    So that basically leaves you with two options.

    1. You're a coward for staying in a clan that keeps you muzzled against your will, and you are not staying off forums out of respect for your clan, but because you're afraid you'll get kicked if you do.


    2. You're afraid someone will find your main and farm your ass off.

    Both options make you a coward, so choose your poison wisely.

    True story, so long as you aren't over limit on the number of accounts you're allowed to have.

    You sound pretty confident. A wiser person would say "only time will tell."

    The topic has expanded to include the effects of statless alts on propaganda; thus, I am very much on topic.
  11. The bottom line is, that its everyone's fault that statless halfwits like imyournommy have a voice, because people insist on responding to them. Ignore them. Ignore their posts. Treat them like they don't exist and they just end up looking as stupid as they are.
  12. I lol because your posts are ridiculous. It's too late for cheese to ignore alts or statless players, we have gotten under his soft skin.
  13. Back on topic. I wish their were more ss interviews with those involved. They're the most enjoyable thing to read
  14. I agree with Alison. If you have something to say use your main if you get hit for it that's ok after all it's a war game. As far as staying on topic both sides have true fighters and the war will end when it ends. So enjoy the game and fight on.
  15. My rule for my thread:

    If you are a well spoken or informed alt and are respectful, you are allowed to post.
  16. You lack the intellectual prowess necessary to get under my skin.

    I reply to you because I enjoy seeing cowards like you bob and weave like the little snake that you are.
  17. Cheese, you have nothing to lose in regards to in game gold. Don't talk about being a coward on the Internet of all places. It's virtual gold/hard work and time, they might actually value their in game account more so then you would value yours.
  18. You're right.

    I will remove myself from this thread.

    Sorry for interrupting.
  19. Speaker, great read. Skipped none of it