Interview with --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--(KotFE)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Can everyone please stop referring to Laoda as 'Loada?' It's getting really annoying.
  2. Can statless alts stop posting forums?
  3. It's true - I'm shameless and so is most of TS so you got that one right..

    So many ridiculous things to rebut that in just going to leave it at this...

    It's not up to me to make you look bad in forums, I don't have to: you're doing that yourselves. Your lack of respect and your half-truths and speculations delivered in a juvenile spit wad through the straw of a spineless (...errrr statless) alt reflects on the quality of our opponent. It's too bad because some of ZAFT is fighting gallantly, your nonsense tarnishes the kind of respect that's earned in a good heads up scrap.

    And if you were truly as plugged into our coms you'd own copies of our screenshots as well. Guess we squashed that mole huh?

    Proud to be a Truly Shameless Leader
    Apocalypse 
  4. At stated by godmod- it's not a statless alt, it's an annoying alt :p
  5. [​IMG]
    A never before seen picture of Weezus

    Light beer? Truly Shameless
  6. Truly shameless, thanks for admitting. Facts are always facts be it posting with mains or alts.

    Spineless or boneless could be way better than cheating to win. Everyone have a freedom of speech and also freedom in using any kaw nicks as long as it's available. Forcing a rename for a tag that could stand for anything, you lost your grounds. No doubt truly shameless :mrgreen:

    @ yarmes and the rest, you have the freedom not to read :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Hey, Speaker of Truth, what are your thoughts on that awesome thread by Luna that I just bumped? Show's the real respectful manner in which Zaft OSW, right?
  8. "You don't qualify to speak to me".... 
  9. Yawns... what makes you think that I am speaking to you :D I think you spoken to me 1st, so neither you qualified :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. Lol ashes... You don't get washboard abs drinking anything but 

    (The one on the left is asjay!)
  11. Mr Butthurt states:

    "And will you agree to hand your member out for continuous farming? Apocalypse requested zaft to hand out the guy with SE tag, which clan on kaw will be doing so and not defending their members?"

    Can somebody please provide the SS of that request, because apoc requested no such thing, we requested a tag change and after apologies on both sides the tag change was made and CF was in place.

    If ZAFT are being told that lie up there then I would hope they have a SS to back it up and show there members and me.

    And yes i am the guy on the left, but id like to point out that i have since lost 1lb

    Leader of Degenarates

    Keep up the good fight ppl on both sides
  12. Sorry to hear that you have lost 1bil. And here you are requesting screenshots? Maybe Apocalypse should post full screenshots of the entire conversation 1st, rather showing an uncompleted jig saw puzzle to whole kaw-community. Prove before you ask for proven. :mrgreen: still gotta say, farming over a tag that can stand for anything is not acceptable, hence support on cf for bullies :lol:
  13. my favorite part about this war is the army of zaft alts trying so desperately to win over forums. It is clear that zaft is on thin ice, perhaps their plan of absorbing clans to act as meat shields is backfiring. Unfortunately for zaft, propaganda won't win the war. Ask nebel about zaft propaganda. I also find zafts obsession with lb to be both humorous and telling of their mindset. zaft is primarily a sw family these days at best. They thrive on EE wins. lb is for those that spend money for stats and stay out of harms way. Very few are actual warriors. lb is no measure for an osw. all lb will slip and slide in an osw. don't be fooled by propaganda. If anything is to be learned, perhaps it is the obsession zaft has with the lb and the need to be on it. hopefully the clans zaft absorbed understand they are there to protect the zaft lb and maintain their lb status.
  14. Apocalypse is being draind off the all lbs lol. Gl chumps  :lol:
  15. Public. Every post you have made on the war has been completly biased against zaft

    Even people involved in the war don't act that biased. Maybe you should shut up or nut up. And get away from the war threads. I garuntee for every post you've made at least one person has considered joining zaft side just to shut you up. And I'm willing to bet at least a few apoc members wouldn't mind hitting you if you were hit able. Now go back and play with mommy

    As for the lb ranks. The ranking system has never nor will it ever likely be truthfully accurate. So it matters little who is up or down. And a high lb rank can be attained with very little money spent. Except for battles which require xtals and I'd you unload 16 times a day then you'll still be pretty dam high after a few years so you could still be no1. So all those claims are useless

    The straightfoward statement is this. These two large war families are fighting Both with advantages and disadvantages. Neither can yet claim a decisive victory over the other and as such no one can claim one is winning

    One may be doing better then the other. One may last longer. One may have better ranks. Meaningless at this point. So saying "team a" got their butt whipped is a lie and ignorant Saying team b got their butt whipped is also a lie and shows ignorance. Saying both are suffering damage and both are doing damage is truthful. I do not claim the damages are equal. Only that they exist

    Now. Why don't you all write at least semi intelligent arguememts to back up your claim. And please. Try to remain respectful at least a wee bit After all. Most of the people who wouldn't be involved are involved over respect issues
  16. No one wins in war ok .. But apocalypse members are being slaughtered and becoming meat puppets for their leaders. Their pride is blocking their intelligence. Apoc alliance will die soon ;)
  17. Bump fore more discussion
  18. I'll say what I want.

    I have never claimed to be unbiased. Although I don't care who wins, zaft has conducted themselves poorly in forums from the start. For balance HoG has also brought ignorance to this war and they deserve the bans. Feel better? :lol: I don't see you criticizing the army of zaft alts for being biased. So it appears you are biased against apoc. Thank you for reiterating my point that lb ranking is meaningless.
  19. _PublicSpeaker_ is a clanless 740 day old account with 371 total actions. That’s less than one action per day. This is obviously a forum trash talking alt that will be getting reported by me today.

    You-ButtHurt-Bro is a 10 day old account with 402 total actions. That’s about 40 actions per day. Though I’m not reporting it now, I’ll be keeping an eye on this account to see if it goes inactive.

    Speaker_Of_Truth is a clanless 36 day old account with 75 successful actions. That’s two actions per day. This is obviously a forum trash talking alt that will be getting reported by me today.

    Happy KaWing. May you trash talking alts not be an excess, ToU violating account. :mrgreen:

    Feel free to shoot ATA an email if you suspect the same. I'm sure the more email they see about this, the more will be done about it. Squeaky wheel theory.

    Here's what I wrote (it's OK to copy mine and replace my name with yours when sending in your email).

  20.  Probably the only thing out of his mouth I've ever supported.