Interview with --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--(KotFE)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Hear that? The silence says "no".
  2. Decisions being made by other group clans (by the same family) shows responsibility and trust of the family. That they can handle things. Just because the head family might not have been involved in a small matter doesn't mean it can't be resolved without them.
  3. Lol. Maxie
    If that was the case, the ZAFT - APoC war would never have happened right. Lol
  4. Good info 
  5. Maxie. Lets say you're at work and the manager says do that he's selling the company because they recived a good offer. The owner comes in. Sees the offer and says no.

    In real life there is always one person or group with a "veto" power who no major decisions can be made without. In kaw, inside of zaft. Loada has that power. If in real life the boss felt he was getting a bad deal he would scratch the deal. The manager may or may not be punished. But it may cause an argument with the boss and the potential buyers. It may go to court. Then in court the boss wins because no one but him has the legal authority to sign away his company.

    Maybe you're younger. Well try it like this

    When I was in second grade my teach out us in groups. We had a president a Vice President and a senator. And two voters. Each group was a country. If the senator from one met with the pres and Vp from another and made a peace deal then the Predident in our group (not me in this case) or the Vp( this one was me) could still overrule the decision with nothing bad. In fact I overruled 2 and the president overruled one and in overruled one of mine. In 2 of the cases the other groups declared war on us. However we had the best table in the class (next to the pencil box more amo) and they couldn't beat us. The remaining group ended up joining the war against the others in hopes of gaining power

    See even in second grade as children some people would have similar resultsalbeit we had an extremly cool teacher but still. It's like those commercials where the guy asks the kids what's better. Fast or slow and they all yell fast. They know what's up

    If it happens very where else why not here
  6. Interesting interviews regarding both sides of the conflict at this point. Good job.
  7. One fine day, green horns mafia saw a guy wearing a wearing a green tee that looks similar to theirs mafia tee and they traced him to an apartment of party shakers, the well known street fighters of the district. They marched in the apartment and pulled his collar to a corner and started beating him up.

    The people in the apartment were upset and they ambushed green horns gang and green retaliated. After which, green horns gang then came to realized that he's a family member of party shakers and sat at a table for cease fire talk. The elder of party shakers heard about the news and dashed over, he then refused the cease fire and walked out.

    Now the question is, are green horns right to walk into someone's home and whack up a person without seeking the owner of the house? And should they just whack anyone wearing a green tee that looks identical to their mafia tee? Shouldn't anyone have the liberty to buy any color tee from the departmental store that is available for sale? Lastly, by refusing the cease fire and choose to continue the war should be top dogs fight? Or no one should have the rights to slap your face and ask you to just move on?

    From what I know is that ZAFT are protective towards their family and test this at your own risk is on many ZAFT clans' page. If today Laoda allowed Apocalypse to farm any of their members and simply just shake their butts and walk away, does this means that the whole KAW can follow Apocalypse's example? Or he needs to give a warning to all, stay off from my people?

    From Laoda's conversation ss with Ghost shows that Chongo can't even hit through Laoda or RedStar. If Laoda and RedStar want out with Chongo, why can't Laoda or RedStar do a one vs one with Chongo alternatively with the rest of ZAFT / Apoc staying out? :lol: Propaganda and still propaganda, why not just use your brains or if not a broccoli :mrgreen: :lol:
  8. I think my teachers have taught me, if I did something wrong, admit it and apologize. Not making stories/presumptions to back up my mistakes. ;) Let's be truthful.
  9. Ghost why don't up do an interview with Blackhand and LR ??? That was your clan right
  10. Much better than the loada one. Seeing all the zaft fannies on here is also amusing. zaft seems so desperate to make forums work out for them :lol:

    if the zaft war effort is anything like their forum posting then they are screwed.
  12. All relevant screenshots are located at:

    Asjay was correct, cf had been agreed to.

    ZAFT leadership is organized in such a way that they handle matters individually, anyone who says otherwise is incorrect. They call in assistance only when they are outnumbered or out gunned. Warsin had every right to negotiate for his clan and Yarmes is also very accurate. Apocalypse runs as a true council, not a dictatorship. All leaders owning equal weight in decision making. When the amicable decision had been agreed to our council had also agreed to it. What transpired is in the screenshots in the link above, I need not say more to it.

    I've been transparent, honest and respectful since the start of this thing and will continue to do so. I've done this for the benefit of both Apocalypse and the KaWmunity (PS, I like how now we had somehow negotiated to continue farming the guy as part of our cf terms lol... I was in that room, that was never a topic of conversation let alone a term).

    Well done nightmare.
    Well done Apocalypse, lets continue our victorious efforts with class and with our heads held high.

    ₮ṧ ʟㅌ₳Ðㅌ℟
  13. @ Wheezy

    That link goes to the same screen shots you posted already. They don't show the entire conversation. They only show the part you want everyone to see. You have screen shots of the ENTIRE conversation, but you seem to be afraid and unwilling to post them. Post the entire conversation or shut up already.

    As far as your victorious efforts go, your clans are sliding down the leader board, your players are sliding down the leader board, and Chongo lost his #1 spot for most wins. And if you consider having one of your clan owners banned for cheating "classy" you might want to look the definition up. Personally I though it was pretty poor leadership, but then that's pretty much all we've seen from Apocalypse. If all leaders are "owning equal weight in decision making" then I guess all your members know who blame for their predicament.

    By the way, my sources in ZAFT say it's AMAZING how suddenly a whole bunch of Apocalypse accounts that were constantly DTW are now up for hits. And they'd like you to tell Chuck & Nightmare to buy more pots. They pay less now per hit.
  14. My point stands  . Mare hit your nail on the head, ZAFT deserves you speaker of truth. And that conversation will be posted in due time (it kills you that I'm not dancing for you, doesn't it?), until then ill say the same thing I've said all along: accept it as truth or don't. I don't care, our alliance has seen the conversation, the screenshots and THEY are who matters to us.
  15. Speaker_of_truth: u mad?
    Why don't u go get some sun, throw a frizbee with your son who wants to spend time with you (but you're too busy typing forum posts).
    You are in go get clans to help you out so that I can write a forum post about it.
  16. @ Wheezy

    I couldn't care less if you dance for me or not. I don't swing that way cupcake, and frankly I hear you ain't all that attractive.

    Your alliance has seen the entire conversation? That's interesting because several members of your alliance are the ones who asked me to tell you to post the ENTIRE thing. You say you will in due time? What was wrong with the first time? You were asked before to post them. You came back with a link to the same old ones. Post them ALL or shut up already.

    And here's an update on the progress of your victories this week: HoG dropped to #21. Poppa banned. Momma banned. Spookyrobbie is having hissy fits and not sure what the hell he's doing anymore. First he's retiring, now he's back. KotFE dropped 3 spots to #35. Carnage moved UP on the leader board past MG. Chongo got passed up on the Most Wins leader board. Your spy clan Shadow went from +30 spies down to 5 because you need them to fill the holes in your rosters from all the runners. And finally, you've been running around all over KaW trying to find clans to join you and not having any luck. One report even said you've started threating some of your sub clans because they've been reluctant to send their members into the meat grinder. The only bright spot is THS finally got some fresh bodies and manged to move back to #10.

    If you think all that is victorious, then that's another word you might want to look up the definition of.
  17. I've mentioned this before but you should get a job for the national enquirer. I hear they "speak the truth" as eloquently as you do.

    And yes, the entire conversation was posted to our members, they need only pm me for the whole thing (I'm transparent).

    Congratulations on your leaderboard accomplishments, you've done everything BUT point our your losses. I won't speak to the state of repair in the clans we've targeted hard, ill leave you to do the homework.

    I'm enjoying your reports, having seen some of the sources of the information and how contorted they are when they leave your statless accounts mouth I now know how much you are truly retelling and / or fabricating information.

    While chongo keeps getting brought into the picture, I can't speak to his not being #1 on wins lb. Might have something to do with the fact he's not max crystalling on epic battles and is participating in an OSW. Your stats tend to follow a non-linear growth during these times.

    Lets do this; you keep spouting your reports (as I'm sure it's the only info ZAFT is getting) and ill stay available for all apocalypse.
  18. @ Weesuz

    Do you drive with left eye closed? Can you still see the blind spots on the left? Posting partial conversations is as good as partially blinding your members and distorting the message. Seems like outgunning zaft didn't worked and you guys came with the new strategy, bot to win. However, botting was caught on the 2 bears and everyone stopped being dtw all the time :lol: The bans must have freaked Apocalypse :shock: That's so classy.

    And will you agree to hand your member out for continuous farming? Apocalypse requested zaft to hand out the guy with SE tag, which clan on kaw will be doing so and not defending their members?

    And SE could have stand for anything and everything, including Shameless ego?

    Let's look at other tags/intitals that could stand for something else.

    TS = Truly shamless? and you are truly shamless leader? :mrgreen:
    CR = Criminal retreat?
    HOG = House of gays?
    WOG = Whores or gays?
    THS = Truly holy stupid?
    MG = Mouldy garbage
    KOTFE = kissers of the fouling ecstasy

    Tags can stand for anything. Stop trying to back bullies' reasoning. :lol: :lol:
  19. @ Wheezy

    It ain't my job to point out ZAFT's losses. It's yours. If you have some major accomplishments, by all means, point them out to us. I'm sure Apocalypse members could use a morale boost. I know Spooky could use a hug. So could Whazz. I hear he's still feeling pretty butt hurt from that strip the other day.

    As for Chongo, I'd say it has more to do with the fact that Red & Cella are whipping his butt rather than he's not hitting EB's. And since Chongo's BFA dropped others can hit him now too. Ask him about it.

    Let's do this; You keep coming here and trying to B.S. people, and I'll keep posting on your lack of progress and poor leadership.