Interview with --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--(KotFE)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. I think it's really cool the way you conduct "interviews". It's a way for them to explain things without needing to defend themselves
  2. This thread was a great read, I was informed, I was confused and informed again, I cried, than I laughed my head off, that guy that said Ali G should be interviewing, well, I'd like to nominate him for next forum prez 
  3. good points, but wanna mention war? Join the army or the marines. 
  4. Been there, done that. Got the t-shirt.

    KaW is a much more noble proving ground for warrior characteristics.
  5. Only because he knew this would be posted on forums. ;)
  6. Jusg updated my reserved posts on the first page under the OP, please read them.
  7. Nightmare has def changed - i think it comes w the territory of having responsibilities as being one of the leaders representing kotfe.

    This doesn't mean he's soft - he's a tough warrior. It also doesn't mean he's perfect - we all have our moments where we wish we could take back something we said. But he tries to do what's right and he never backs down from a fight.
  8. Watch this osw end with both sides just saying "ok let's be done."
  9. Nah I say this war goes on 4 at least 2 more years
  10. This crap realy doesnt matter anymore stop everyone needs to stop making threads untill the actuall outcome this is just more annoying kawlitical propaganda thats starting to bug regular forum-goers
  11. Wouldn't a Zaft clan be untouchable?You need to be HLBC to join and have a crazy amount if pots.
  12. The superpower are weakening.

    Viva la Revolucion!
  13. [​IMG]
  14. How many poss do I have?
  15. Do not go there. Make a separate thread or ask on the question thread.

    Stay on topic.
  16. Lol. 
    How about me?