Interview with --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--(KotFE)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Nobody said anything about anyone being dead or me being at kotfe. A misquote is a lie. Unless unintentional. But I doubt that it was

    I know you have connections to both sides. But you obviously support apoc over zaft. You cannot deny that
    I'm in the war and obviously I'm against apoc. But I've also got dozens of friends there who I don't plan on stopin our friendships. Hell my cousin is there(third cousin but still). This doesn't mean in not biased. Ill admit it. Anyone who claims unbias is Lying. The hope is to prevent your bias from swaying facts to suit your need. Ill admit not everything is right on my side or that apoc is all wrong. I won't say that apoc is lying down and taking it. Not will I say that zaft is. Obviously I will hope that apoc looses and will do my best to help this process. But when I make a statement I try and do no always sucseede in stating only the truth without any opinion

    Claiming otherwise is once again a lie. And resorting to comments about necrophelia when I made a statement about birth (to explain I said I was your grandmothers son. Conclude from that what you wish but it was a simple "I'm yo daddy" joke meant to go along withy your line of insulting and included me implying you called your grandmother a rock). You atempting to turn that into an activity that is both illegal and (in my opinion) disgusting shows you have no valid way to discredit me and instead turn towards the "maybe if I make him seem like a looser everyone will ignore him". It also shows that in some what I've struck a nerve. You have resorted to trying t discredit me and not my arguements because you cannot do the later

    If you were in forums at the begining you'd know that when unoffical clans warred posts such as this were common. Infact a post this size would be made by an unimportant member while longer ones including detail and trash talk could be made by the owner. That was the way the forums worked. And since I remember and can still post like that. Wheras you seem unable to. Maybe I do happen to have some of the knowledge you claim I don't?

    Prove me wrong Prove that you do not aim for me instead of my argument. Prove that you do not favor apoc. Prove you don't want extort and bend information to suit your argument. I beg you. Because then and only then will it actually be worth my time to continue arguing with you and not just pity for a man who once could have done this and been worthwhile
  2. Users browsing this forum: --DT--, --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--, -Headliner-, -jonsk-, -PunkSack-, -RocknRolla-, 4S-Royu__72, ALPHA_JayMoney, barry159734, bartolissimo, BIGbabieJESUS, Crimson_94, DANBOY420, Deadlifter, dimple, Dino-Jr, DJ-, E-Tomtel-Q, ER-G----MONEY, Eruzione, fonzyii17, Gunson, Harbinger_of_wrath, HONEY-BOOBOO, huskarlwolf, I-I-I_Dark_Panda_I-I-I, IIILRIII__CuRsEd__IIILRIII, IIxSSxll_Sweet-Jenn_llxAAHxII, ill_Ill-UNBREAKABLE187-lIl_lli, ISS_SHAMROCK, ISS_Succubus, K9_Sportspro22, king_mort, King_Poseidon_1st, llllllllllllIIIIIIIIllllllllll, LuckyVixen, MachineGun-qad, masamune__date, Minispy1109, MK__-ORIGINAL-__MK, Mork_The_Dork_From_Ork, night_shadow_the_2nd, OMETQTCHT1, orbofdell, poutsidwnas, REDO3, SE____CJ____SE, Silentkila, skyj1LSA, Spy, Strategy, Telarai, TheEagIe, trapn, xlXl_IRONMAN_lXlx, xXx-IIlDeltaIll-xXx, Xx_Alex-is-Awesome_xX, y0ur_m0m123, yallhappy, ZachGhost, _cH3mlc4L_nRg_uNd3r_mY_tOnGue_, _SMITTY_SOLDIER_ and 2 guests

    And a partridge in a pear tree !
  3. Looks like I'm not on 
  4. When I saw Alex was browsing I laughed, come out Alex and leave a comment
  5. This is funny.
  6. Why do we even need a reason..: **** happens lol. Just have fun
  7. @ DontHitMeImAlreadyPinned-TS

    Quit lying, bro. You didn't have an agreement with at least 10 ZAFT leaders because there weren't 10 ZAFT leaders in the room. I know. Y'all keep wanting to spin this to your members as Apocalypse was wronged somehow. Let's look at the facts, shall we?

    SE opened fire on a ZAFT member in a ZAFT clan. Y'all didn't know if he was a member or a guest because y'all didn't even bother to ask. Y'all didn't wall an admin. Y'all didn't pm anyone. You just started hitting. That tells us all two things. 1) SE has stupid leaders, and 2) a second rate clan like SE thought they were bad asses because they had an alliance behind them. They damn sure wouldn't have done it otherwise. (Note to Apocalypse members: How many other wars are two bit clans going to get you in because they suddenly think they're invincible?) And yes, y'all made demands. Your boys were in there all butt hurt because ZAFT opened fire on you. Wheezy has the screen shots. Why don't you ask him to post ALL of them instead of the few he did. Let's see the ENTIRE conversation. I think all these people getting stripped have a right to see them, don't you? Or is Wheezy afraid that the truth will come out?

    @ --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--

    I've seen the trash you've talked on walls. Don't come here and whine about respect. Quit crying and take your beating. If it's too much for you, you can always try to unload your account on a 3rd party ap like many of your alliance members are currently trying to doing. Don't wait too long though. They ain't worth what they used to be. Same goes for all the mains you have safely tucked away. Per Laoda's wall:

    "Any players who has main outside but alts inside apocalypse will be randomly stripped by ZAFT. I have a long list"

    If you think ZAFT can't find them, guess again.
  8. 

    You have no stats!
  9. Reminds me of war reporter account Lol
  10. "I say what I mean, and I mean what I say"

    Hmm sounds familiar in a PM after being kicked, huh NM.
  11. Speaker of truth... such a tough guy ! that a slip showing ? ok... maybe a CD then, methinks your an alt from someone in Zaft, or why be so butthurt over what is going on ?
    It's about time there is a good war going on in a war game, who really cares why ?
    It's just too bad for me, I can't grow enough to have a role in it !
    poor old PC only me.......
  12. No response??
  13. Nightmare Machine respectful?

    Some of you suffer from short term memory loss, apparently. :lol:
  14. It's cool, though. Everyone deserves a second chance.

    Maybe he's changed his ways from last year. Who am I to judge?

    He has certainly done a fine job presenting himself in a gentlemanly manner on this thread.
  15. I think we are about to reach Midway, not there yet. 1/3rd of the journey is finished but not 2/5th. The time line is pretty fluid.

    We should be seeing less and less talk from members, a little more talk from Admins, Council Members or Owners, not their time yet fully.

    I'm already seeing more n more 6m-12m CS inactive players. These have become inactive as of 14-59 days.

    From this point to 80% of war almost over, it's just boredom's galore.
    Clans will be targeting n stripping one player at a time. A lot will just continue to...
    1. Hit EBs n grow
    2. Continue potting to 5-10k
    3. Do EEs to get Mith for EE Equipment.
    4. Buying more allies, I'm seeing the smaller allies market shrinking. The 1.5b to 30b the stats to cost ratio is decreasing.
    5. Expensive allies market is increasing. 260b to 700b is now quite easy to buy.
    6. I'm seeing more clans with 4-12m CS, who are not visible in forums and neither are they in EE wars. But they do Haunting around the clock n are growing pretty tremendously. These clans are not in top 100 clans for sure. They have 30-60 active members n the rest are really small. They're growing tremendously under radar. They'll be someone to be reckoned with in the future, since they don't belong to APoC or ZAFT or iG etc.
    7. Considering that KaW has above 5m active members its a wonder we only see less than a 100k members in forums n large family clans.
    Wonder where the rest of the 4.9m peeps are.

  16. Male when you take away 1/3 there's 2/3 left...
  17. Well said male

    And don't hate his maths

    I see no issue
  18. Guys please keep this on topic