Interview with --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--(KotFE)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. @ --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--

    You left out the part about your CF conditions including be able to continue to farm the ZAFT member. You also forget that Laoda is the leader of ZAFT. It doesn't really matter what you got Warsin to agree to once you had multiple ZAFT clans involved. Unless Laoda agreed, you didn't have a peace agreement with ZAFT. And y'all can keep spinning this all you want, but if SE didn't have idiots for leaders, y'all wouldn't be in this mess. The fact is, y'all opened fire first. Quit crying because Laoda wouldn't kiss your asses afterwards.

    EE war drama? What drama? Y'all were simply butt hurt because ZAFT's EE war clan beat the crap out of everything you put up against it. It got so bad you stopped signing up for wars and the Devs had to step in. Laoda agreed to stop using their war clan. The only drama here was all the whining y'all did.

    MG? MG is a shell. They have about 20 or so active members. About 10 have converted to pure spy. Most are inactive, stripped and potless accounts. Chongo's sweating because his lead on the Most Wins leader board is now down to 2846. At at this rate Silph will pass him in about 3 days. Meanwhile Deadly has upped his spy defense to 7mil. It's a good build to cover his ass, but he's offensively useless and spends his time hitting small accounts. When he's active that is. As a fighting force MG is a joke. Destiny decimated them. Which brings us to Destiny's next target. That would be you.

    Reports are Destiny started beating on KOTFE yesterday. I hear that after you soiled yourself, you, Chuck and the rest of your top 10 went into self pin mode. Destiny's already stripped about 4T from you, and you've already had 1 runner, Deadly-Fate. Reports are KOTFE is low on pots too. You personally are down to 10 sdp's and some of your top 15 are down to 7 sdp's. Some of your members have zero sdp's and adp's. About 10 KOFTE accounts are inactive. Probably more. And your alt Broccoli needs a calculator because his math sucks. 4T + 300b doesn't = 6T. But then your strip totals have been crap since the start of the war. Anyway, like you said. It's gonna be a bumpy road.

    It's especially gonna be bumpy for KOTFE because Destiny's out for blood. Maybe you guys shouldn't have ran your mouths on Becky's wall? Stripping her was one thing. Taunting her was just plain stupid. It's not wise for monkeys to poke the lion with a stick. Especially one that's not caged. Enjoy the ride.

    Maybe you can give another interview in a week and let us all know how you're doing?
  2. Statless alts :(
  3. I'm just proud that no member of Apoc carries himself in the manner speaker does. He sounds so mad bro. A clear difference between our families. One gives and deserves respect. And the other pisses on it. Still, a statless alt is bottom of the pile. And I'm happy to say, I say what I mean and I mean what I say. Zaft doesn't even have the respect to post with a main. Well I wouldn't post the way u post with a main either actually. It's disgusting.
  4. Ok, we can drop the "statless alt" crap. Obviously these alts are well informed players...lets start attacking their information, not just their stats. Forums are about words, not builds
  5. I agree ooz. Stop the statless alt crap
  6. Ok I will correct sentence one of speakers post, CF was agreed with at least 10 zaft leaders including Warsin and Zeus and Zaft had cozza change the SE tag (ask yourself, why change the tag? If it was so unreasonable a request) and the issue was resolved there and then whilst only SE and TS were in negotiations with 10 zaft leaders from across all zaft clans! Originally it was 2 zaft clans hitting SE, TS stepped in to assist SE after a TS leader was targeted who was present in SE at the time. So we TS made it 2v2 clans.

    Every other point in Speakers post is repeated drivel that we have all heard before and whilst the "statless alt" has got boring and irrelevant, this is obviously a "zaft informed" person, hence all the hatred towards the alt!

    No other Apoclaypse leaders were in the room or at that point involved. There was no "terms" other than change the tag, which zaft accommodated!

    laoda walked in after cf had been agreed and told all Zaft leaders to shut up and began talking trash! And then all zaft went quite and they then left the room one by one and war began!

    The rest is history!

    First and last post on the matter!

    Leader of TS

    Respect to all still fighting and not complaining on both sides 
  7. Nightmare seems very respectful. I wish everyone posted that way about war information. The true question is truth. The fact is no one can prove anything.

    It's a war. Same as every war all that matters is how you handle yourself. If you are rude and insulting. Odds are you will end up no where. If your respectful in victory or defeat. You will be remembered as someone worth warring with. If every member of apoc family spoke as nightmare spoke I believe this would be a much smaller conflict that was settled easily and with less people having reason to hit apoc members.

    But it's not the case. I have to agree with the other guy. Loada is the (arguably) most influential person in both zaft, and in KAW. Any problem with zaft theoraticly falls to loada and within loada no cease fire between such large groups can be made (unlike small incidents which may just be handled by a single zaft clan) Nightmare. If you were to find out a cease fire was being worked by the rest of kotfe council while you were not involved until the end and you didn't like the terms how would you act. I believe you would at bare mimium state your opinion. If you were the highest ranked member involved then you may even cancel the cf if you didn't like the terms

    I've been in that place where I trust others to handle negoations. Or it happens while I'm offline and I don't like terms. I always state wherever the terms are discussed. "This will not happen. I apologize for the wasted time but I cannot agree to these terms".

    You can't blame loada for doing what any clan owner would do in that situation. You can't blame ee drama for an osw of this size. No clan would willingly start a war with this much potential for damaging everyone. Even with certain victory. Just because of a system war problem.

    You also stated you (apoc) were ready for war with zaft. If you were then why agree to the cf in the first place. I think that apoc was worried there may be a war because they knew they were not ready to take on the only other group of players comparable in brute strength to yourselves. While this is allowed and expected it brings the question. Why ask to be allowed to continue hitting the guy with the SE tag? That makes no sense whatsoever. It shows that whoever was arranging the cf had secret hopes for a war. Or if no war being able to wave something close to surrender terms from zaft above the heads of everyone. So is it possible that maybe the cf was destined to fail because both sides wanted it to. Maybe.

    Is anyone truly able to be blamed above any others? Doubtful. No one has any more blame then they choose to accept. The only straight foward blame that can be given I'd that SE didn't speak to zaft before hitting the guy with the tag when he was in a zaft clan. Other then that any blame is all speculation or misguiding attempts at distracting guilt
  8. Over under 2 year osw...I say over
  9. Sky crawl under the rock you came from you no nothing of how these big clams work. Let alone how kotfe or apoc works! Take it from me if a kotfe leader or leaders had negotiated a cf with a clan any council member not present would stand by the decision made apoc ain't a dictatorship it's a democracy! Believe me I know how it works I was kotfe council long before you even knew what the bl even was!
  10.  whats a bl?
  11. Sky, I totally agree with you.

    I think it's important that we all remember that this is a game. We shouldn't use kaw as an excuse to b rude, racist or immature.

    We all have perspectives and opinions and we should b able to disagree w/o resorting to tactics that are embarrassing. Personally, I feel there r multiple angles to any story and though we feel we know it all - the truth is we don't.

    Sure osw entail stripping and farmin - which can b upsetting. But there is no need to post on forums or walls something that is tasteless.
  12. I loved the way OP conducted the interview and how respectful Nightmare have been with his answers.

    That statless alt Speaker_Of_Truth speaks anything other than the whole truth and utterly lacks or understands respect. Shame on you man. I hope you have no association with ZAFT as you are doing more harm than good.

    Keep it real Venom
  13. Harmed considering I happened to be inside of a war the day you were made a kotfe council member I believe you are wrong. You wouldn't remember me because its not the same account or name. That's fine. It doesn't matter. But when I say that I've seen many. Many clan owners or councils have a disagreement ending a cf I know it's true. I believe that if a apoc negoaited a cf and did not include kotfe leaders then when kotfe found out and decided a cf was not to be met by those terms then kotfe would war, and apoc would as such war. The difference being. Loada is leader of zaft. I believe the most influential clan in the apoc family to be kotfe. You may disagree. And if that's the case replace kotfe as the exclude one with whichever you want

    But I will not crawl back into your grandmother. It was bad enough getting out the first timefigure that one out. And see if you can get past your bias enough to make an intelligent post not regarding the obvious lack of knowledge regarding who I am. Because neither you not anyone else you will find still actively playing can tell you with certainty

    You used to be a better player yarmes. I enjoyed all the times I've fought with you and the once against. I've enjoyed the several conversations we've had bak before you left kotfe and I've even enjoyed the arguments we're having here. But you should remember. Reputation is not everything. It's being proved now. I refuse to let you know why it is I know this. And you refuse to let anyone forget your yarmes. For all you know I owned a large clan. (I did not ever own a major war clan. It's just a metaphor). I have as much if not more experience then you. Unlike you I chose to help the community without any special color name as mod and without going on a (admitably funny) rampage and without having to resort to petty insults when someone disagrees with me. Come on yarmes. Prove yourself worthy once again. Because as it stands. You aren't worth much more effort then the typing of this post And that's with you still being one of the players I most respect
  14. First word ment to be yarmes not harmed* of my last post. Sorry about that
  15. We need Ali G to interview the ZAFT and Apoc leaders.
  16. Lol bias if you knew me at all you would know I have connections to both sides of the war..... As for your like of Necrophilia that's not my concern! As for you being in kotfe when I was made council I highly doubt that but hey I might be wrong. Care to divulge your original name? As for kotfe being the the dominant clan in apoc you couldn't be far wrong. Do I have something to prove no those who know me know who I am and what I play for. Petty insults when you talk about my grandmother lol
    If you don't care to divulge your history in public please feel fee to pm me. I don't hide
  17. We need to have a good old fashioned White House lunch with both sides' leaders.

    They can shake hands through clenched teeth for the cameras and stuff.

    On the real though I'm hearing words like 'honor' and other real life virtues that I don't believe should be attributed to a game. It is a war game after all. But it's easy to let that concept slip away into the politics And fear of losing loads of REAL money sunk into this game.

    I've never seen anything quite like this app, ppl dump tens of thousands of dollars into it and it becomes more than a game because of their investment. I'm just hoping you're all having fun
  18. Nice a thread that isn't from some crappy alt spewing false info
  19. Behind different alts or names it's been obvious since my return who I was! As for the mod thing I didn't need to prove anything I did that cause I wanted to help the community all be it I wish I never did and due to real life(lol yes rl) issues yes I had a melt down and needed a quick exit and thanks to Benny for seeding the idea for my exit from kaw. Yes I regret what I did and ill never be able to move on truly from that but I'm trying. I've always been the same I say what I think. Be it you may of run big clan etc but I was talking apoc and kotfe I know how this family and alliance works internally so second guessing me on that is just a silly move. Any way Ive said what I've said feel free to pm me if you want to talk more this thread has already gone of topic way to much and I wish both sides the best of luck in the war!
  20. Yarmes one thing I've been wanting to ask is why did you silence all of iG? I have to say it was hilarious