Internet Dating

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrestonGarvey, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Ignoring the question what the hell kind of answers are those. If you put it into politics that's communism racism or moderate. You don't really give choices. Put it into religion that's god Satan or men. Again only one logical option.

    If you're going to make a public opinion thread all answers should be Qualls viable (or limit to one stupid answer as a joke) otherwise it isn't really an opinion just a best of the worst
  2. I vote C. Also want to add I am amazed at the drama people allow from "looking" online. I laugh my backside off every time I hear their story. And I ask " so what did you think the outcome would be"? They look at me like they expected Cary Grant or Reese Witherspoon and I am the idiot for thinking otherwise....good topic for first time
  3. Me and Clumsy Reaper are dating currently
  4. I think people that have met on Kaw got married.
    Internet dating - 1
    Thread - 0
  5. I actually know a couple that met on kaw and she moved across the whole country (from New York to California) to be with him. They ended up married and have a two year old now with another on the way in a few months. Still very happy with their relationship to this day (it's been about 5 years (2 on kaw and then 3 together)).
  6. I really think people need to be honest on posting themselves for real. You always read. Loves long walks on the beach, likes sports with fellowship and the other blah blah like in shape, great personality.

    Let's be real. Short, fat bald, ugly guy. Great in the sack, doesn't really like small talk. Get a friend if you want to talk. I do enjoy sports but not watching them. Again, if you want to talk sports. Get a friend. See that's real. Any ladies want that kinda guy???
  7. He sounds perfect 
  8. For all those guys. This is what's real to see.....pear shaped happy to serve your needs girl looking for long talks, you must have money and patience for my 6 kids. Now don't think I am loose, only 4 of them have different daddies. I have a slight drinking problem, forget what happens when drunk and oh, I love lots of foreplay and talk. Matter of fact. You must start the romantic talk 4 hours before. See. That's honest. Please feel free to add to either above description.
  9. Is there a current event somewhere about this?

    Or are we just judging people we dont know for no reason?

    C. I haven't ever really cared about how people have met each other, and i really dislike hearing their story about it too.

    Their "we met on the internet" story would have to be way shorter than the others "love at first site" minute by minute account of that day.
  10. I've been on all ends.

    My mother used online dating when I was 2 and we moved in with him and he sexually abused me.

    When I was 17, met a guy online who claimed he was 18 and we talked for a while and started dating. Turns out he was 13.

    When I was 18, I fell in love with someone I met online. He was who he said he was. We dated for a bit over 6 months and we visited each other in RL regularly and eventually broke up because of financial difficulties.

    The Internet is big, and if you're not prepared for things like this to happen, then you should log off. People lie to you. People hurt you. But that could happen in RL too.
  11. That's real talk right there. Totally agree that people are chumps both in RL and online. Always tread cautiously.
  12. My friends keep telling me to use it. I personally know 3 married couples and another 2 who are pretty much about to be engaged in real life from services such as eHarmony and Match specifically. I'm reluctant to use it personally but one of my friends made a really good point which could sum it up.

    "Why should I keep having to hope Ill meet someone haphazardly at a bar or in daily life when I can sit in my underwear while having a drink and scope out maybe 20-30 profiles a night on a legitimate site and learn about as much about them as I would from 1 night of talking with 1 person by chance."

    I mean, to each their own. I can see the benefits of the dating sites. They are definitely more catered to more densely populated areas though.

    At the same time you still have to be careful, as you would with meeting and judging people the first time in person. Actions speak louder than words, which is where person to person interaction is necessary IMO to actually judge a persons character over their personality.
  13. Brilliant words 
  14. Brilliant words also 
  15. Met my wife on a hookup site 
  16. I do agree with your friend Dmc. Bars, its not really often you meet someone you will have a serious relationship with.

    I pretty much wont even call them much less go on a second date. That might sound shallow but honestly, they are thinking the same thing. Go out, drink away your standards, hook up, and the next day act like it didn't happen.
  17. I think it is the spawn of satan and must be done away while along with the dark lord himself
  18. C) each to their own
  19. #notpimdleavekawoutofthis