1 million fights throughout all your accounts? Please, tell me you're an OSF. Not even Swabia has that many combined, even if you add up his total actions. And for alli know, he still plays. And KaW is much older than PIMD :| Perhaps iM weren't looking for a simple apology? More like, revenge at the clan who hosted someone of their unliking? I have completely fallen, if you were trolling.
Yes 1million throughout my 6 accounts, no I wasn't an OSF, I was in an off system war for over a year.
… Please remember me, how much times can you attack in PIMD per hour? I'm seriously doubting whether: • You actually have many HLBC PIMD accounts. • You are awful at PIMD. • You are an OSF. • You're the best troll ever.
Would u like my user names? I have became an OSF in the recent month and no I don't consider my self a troll. I'm good at Pimd also.
I'd like to ask. But I think you've trolled me good. I just can't think that you're telling the truth.
1. Download Pimd, search the usernames -OFH-mitchel- -OFH-mitchel -TERROR-BadBoy- -OFH--mitchel-- good day.
? Why is one million war actions so hard to believe? Depends on how many accounts he has going and how long he has played. (Xstal usage too. )
Lmao yea this isn't party in our kingdoms singing songs and doing parties, this is Kingdoms at War!! I've seen worse CF requirements (clan disbandment to never be reformed) don't like how KaW is played? Go back to being a OSF in PIMD, I played all new ATA games since their release (cept for meego) FC started out as all out war, same with GaW, but PIMD? Within two weeks pwars started up and players attacking players just stopped happening. So welcome to KaW where we war and destro you know, war stuff.
Lol proof? I have search it! Ask the devs for all I care, your the noob here, u just got SERVED SON!
Ohh LoSSES! Sorry. Boy do I feel like an idiot. Lol serves me right to be glancing at my phone when driving.