Hmmm we were in our clans a long time before joining the army, it's easy to find us, just look in your NF, why cry about the clans were in when you should be growing a set and hitting back keep your dignity and pull out your main
Why oh why must you be a coward? Why must you hide behind a statless alt and speak of things you obviously know nothing about? We are not bullies nor do we pick on weaker clans, we do however search out the main of a statless alt and destroy everyone around him/ see we will find you and when we do we will not attack you or force you to reset. We will however make this game of war miserable for anyone around you and make sure they know it's because of you. As far as our affiliations we have none or maybe we have them all. Really we are just a group of very religious non believers who Will rain down upon thee when provoked or just bored. So you see we are who you think we are. If you think we are Apoc then that's who we are. If you think we are WDGAF then that's what we will be. We will be your everything and your nothing, your alpha and omega. We are everywhere and nowhere. We are the Isnok Army!
Kooch very well said bro love it we protect our own u pick on one ia member u pick on us all we welcome 1vs1 but u bring n ur pack of dogs we bring n our pack of wolves and we r always hungry IA IS HERE TO STAY WE DONT RUN WE DONT HIDE NOW ANYBODY WHO HAS SOMETHING TO SAY PLEASE VISIT MY NEWS FEED