I know he was saying it to the op... I just find it ironic a statless alt is calling calling someone a fool
And so stats determine knowledge now or validity? You saying you'd value something redstar writes if he were drunk and high while writing more than you'd value the most well thought out post by yourself? Practically the same concept.
Hey op, grow some and then we'll see who sucks But dang.... The butthurt is really strong in this one
It's actually Isnok Army, op is merely inferring he thinks they suck. Founded by Konsimity, it's basically a farming group that has no set home clan and is instead found all over much like the Omets once were.
Haha cowards? We fight our own wars apoc has nothing to do with ia ya we r apoc heavy but we don't ask anybody for help get ur facts strait op
Best part is he says he'll grow for us but if he knows abt ia he's not a noob Greg which also means he's a coward for not bringin his main smh
Why not just hit back instead of making a new account to post forums with? In the famous words of they Heavy. "Cry some more. Bwhahahaha."