inspirational quotes

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _______D_A_R_K_N_E_S_S_______, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. "When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world!"

    ~Our Favorite Meerkat
  2. Lol i thought that's what the devs said
  3. A enemy of my enemy,is my friend
  4. It takes a big man to cry... takes a bigger man to laugh at that man

    - jack handy
  5. *if at first you don't succeed, it won't hurt to smoke weed* -ghandi 1813
  6. "Tell me, do you bleed?"-batman
  7. Martha? - superman
  8. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
  11. "Is it better for a man to have chosen evil than to have good imposed upon him?"

    I like this quote because it's a reminder of freedom of thought/opinion.

    "If you set out to take Vienna, take Vienna" - Napoleon

    I like this in that it is an analogy to accomplishing life goals.
  12. "Excuse me if my breath is hot, because I'm about to spit straight fire."

    -Andrew Jackson, 1992
  13. When you can't sleep, use NyQuil.
  14. - 'Every scar is a battle you lost with yourself.'

    - 'Depression is like drowning, but nobody can see it.'

    - 'A smile can hide a lot of things.'

    - 'One day everybody dies. The universe doesnt care about anybody. So why care about one person?'
  15. ZzzQuil, not NyQuil. Unless you are sick
  16. Some people dream other stay awake and achieve their dreams
  17. Man I sure hope this is just a fart. - Karma
  18. Lets eat Grandma.
    Lets eat, Grandma.
    Punctuation saves lives.

    A person is smart, but people are stupid.

    Whoever said "the customer is always right" was wrong.

    What ever doesnt kill you will make you stronger, but its going to hurt like buggery.

    Ask a stupid person, get a stupid answer.
  19. "he who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right"