Insidious Villains

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by xXlNl-lIl-lNl-lJl-lAlXx, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. Does it? It seems I have half a bar. Stop trying to act big and bad lmao. You prolly get beat alot at home so you have to act big on a game
  2. You talking to yourself again? Weirdo.
  3. Now that's what I call maximum bait 
  4. Uh oh Joe, killer gonna come back to this thread with some harsh words for you because thats all he can do lel.

  5. Enought said. Now, get off of my recruiting thread and stop trying to derail it. Happy kawing.
  6. #baited #idiot #itwasajoke #ihityou10minsafter #someoneissalty
  7. We're not trying to derail it idiot, we already have derailed it lmao. It's a crap thread anyway.
  8. Gr8 try m8. Maybe post your newsfeed ten minutes after that?
  9. The Depraved is a very challenging eb, is it not? It simply must be or else the mighty IV would have conquered it...
  10. You are so right its a very good eb for all stats and pays well at the end also. Pity your own clan apex of death folded and couldnt last the distance.When you got yours all not running away with the first sign of inc then critisize other peoples clans. But you cant go no better either.
  11. Lmao, I think roni is blind.

    AoD was doing b2b HHC for a while and with Devastation., it can handle hte.

    Roni tryna discredit the clan but doing a bad job.

    Get on our level, Roni.
  12. AoD was an eb clan, not an osw clan like IV claim to be. So why are you comparing them?
  13. A clan is only good if the people inside when crisis arrive they stick together and defend each other.I have been in many clans what first reaction is its only a eb clan .But when members were under attack they forget the ebs and join together to tackle the problem and fight it. i wouldnt even make another apex of death clan because firstly the name doesnt do it justice.Plus they left you to fight alone.They really didnt care or respect you at all.
  14. Nah, AoD closed down for different reasons... lel
  15. You really don't understand though, we weren't "under attack" lmao. We just simply felt as if we no longer wanted to run the clan anymore. No one offered to take over so we abandoned it.
  16. Who is Roni's source for this information?


    Roni, your info broker is feeding you bs.

    Of course, you'd believe it though.

    You'd believe anything lol
  17. Kasama you aint on no level.It lasted 2 weeks then dispersed .Everybody bailed on you in your hour of need.
  18. You've obviously only recieved information from Killer so any argument you put up is invalid and irrelevant like him. Just stop defending him Roni you're making yourself look bad.
  19. What hour of need?

    We had each other's backs and if you read back, we've been ganging up on you for a while now.

    Edit:Infact we basically own this thread. I haven't seen a legitimate "Cool thread, good luck with your clan" for pages now.
  20. you might as well have stayed in it because looj at you 4 now. You made up more clans with only 2 members in each. Still no progress mSo should have stayed put !