Wanna lie again? You're a moron. I've got the SS as soon as you attempted to strip me Jay hit me it's all good though. You're just an irrelevant noob.
You're being scouted because you are hansels who are getting their troops eaten so constantly dtw. Do I really need to explain game mechs to you dude or have you loosened the helmet and figured it out?
I have a personal aversion to locking clan threads, so I will be removing the posts in breach (PiB). Edit: A couple of naughty posts which I have removed, none bad enough to ban for. Please continue your banter but remember to keep it clean. Have fun.
You quoted an indecent post. Feel free to repost your stats without that content, which has since been removed.
Daphnia just let forums be wild and wreckless please. This game is already dead. Forums are 99.9% dead please don't fully kill it.
Amazing pictures. Simply astounding effort here. 10/10 would join a clan getting smacked punch drunk like your average hobo vs Ali in his prime.
Your two reports made me really rethink my comments Bootz, thanks for the moment of clarity! I hear irrelevancy has become a theme so we can both take that squabble eh sugar!
IV giving inc all the time. What's really sad is y'all have to get 3-4 people on me to make the slightest inconvenience in my time. ML's trash talk in laughable when compared to how much they fight back. PS. Thanks for the tickles, keep trying or go back to your retirement. We all know you're ready to turn to dust. Your time off must've softened your knowledge of kaw cause you're getting your asses kicked