Innocence  Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 8, 2010.

  1. SHUT



  2. I'm not doing anything u keep going on and on an on about 
  3. Getof this thread
  4. Da da da... Lol you goin crazy.
  5. Nu uh. How do you know that Seth isn't the crazy one?
  6. Alright. I've hit a wall that I can't climb over -so to speak- on innocence, so I've decided to ask you -the readers- for some help. What would you like to see next in innocence. I want serious answers here. And zaln, if you say "Moar me!!!!" I'll write you out of the story....

    Nah, jk, I won't do that. But really, serious answers.
  7. Might I recommend another war scene?
  8. Hmm...alright, that could work. Are you talking war scene like the battle with the werewolves? Or like when Irin and Seth battled the bandits? It can't be to long, though. I just need a filler until I can get to the next big thing that happens.
  9. More like the werewolf battle.
  10. Hmm..okay...i think I can do least I hope. And how about more on Endgame! I wanna know what happens!
  11. A fight is comming...
  12. Hum where u writing this if u told em before sorry i just opened the book ^^