inferno, what else ?...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by oOoOoo0Oo__3____j_u___oOo0OOco, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. Sorry,support
  2. 8 aqua, zero inferno..been doing gs for three days and still no inferno : /
  3. 9 aquas no inferno. I'd rather keep getting aquas than infernos though. :D
  4. I just Got 11aqua in a single drop!wtf? But I think like the mith equipment, aqua should not fail because they are so are and expensive.
  5. I got 10 aqua in a single drop, also 9 inferno in a single drop on an earlier EB. Shame it was on diff accounts.
  6. Increase aqua drop support
  7. Support. Drops need to be balanced out. I don't even need inferno or aqua because I don't have Mage yet, but I still get Inferno and Aqua drops. I mean Only Inferno Drops :lol:

    I have gotten 3 Drops of 6 Inferno in the past month. And I've never gotten any aqua.
  8. 31 aqua just sitting in my fridge, chilled, next to the VB.
  9. 200 aqua 357 inferno but no mage 
  10. Support for an exchange for ferno for gold and aqua for xtals at a reduced rate as that is the current exchange. No support for a mith exchange. Keep the ee and system wars running! I know that a mith exchange wasn't proposed by the op. just sayin.
  11. 23 inferno never gotten an aqua, ever. Support
  12. 167 THOUSND INFERNO!!!! No aqua :-(
  13. 0 inferno 29 aqua, it is only luck
  14. 25 inferno, and I finally got 4 aqua. Also I have been trying to enchant that stinking Stinger Ring for alnost 2 weeks. I have lost 16 inferno on it and have NEVER been able to enchant it one single time! Still at ZERO!
  15. Support anything that gives more aqua without using xtals to buy them .
  16. No Inferno No Aqua.. Hahaha! :))
  17. I hav 46 infreno /0 aqua its a good deal