I know it's not added to BFA, but if I have items totalling 12mil to attack and I have 3 HCBC attack builds equalling in 12mil BFA, is that not the same? No? If not its very misleading on your profile, as that's what it seems to me. Just too add about Mith being thought to power enchantments, I think everyone thought that would be the case as it even says "permanent items" at the bottom of the Alchemist. I would have bought my next few lands if I would have known.
Aqua seems to be used with items that either haven't been released yet or items that can't be "enchanted". It seems only inferno is useful so far
You don't use mithril, you use aqua and inferno, two rare items that are dropped from the Epic Battles: Figure of Death, Scionic Storm and Spovarek (or Sporavek, I'm not sure)'s Revenge.
But first you must upgrade your castle, here are the prices: Level One: Cost: Free Special Abilities: None Description: The castle is given to you at the start of the game, 'you rule your kingdom within it's fortified walls'. Level Two: Cost: 4,000,000,000 Special Abilities: Unlocks the Alchemist, which allows you to cast spells using a rare material called Mithril. Gives a stat increase of 40,000 to attack and defense, and 30,000 to spy attack and spy defense. Level Three: Cost: 10,000,000,000 Special Abilities: Unlocks the Mage, where you can enchant your collected equipment *see equipment* using special materials called Aqua and Inferno. Aqua and Inferno are dropped from the Epic Battles: Figure of Death, Scionic Storm and Sporavek's Revenge. EDIT: Equipment: Equipment is dropped from certain Epic Battles, the EBs that drop equipment are: The Reckoning Origins No Mans Land The Destroyer No Quarter City of the Dead Figure of Death Talons of Carnage Sporaveks Revenge (maybe Scionic Storm but I'm not certain so I'm leaving it out).
New growth, scionic storm and Sporavek's revenge all drop equipment too. Figure of death, scionic storm, and Sporavek's Revenge all drop aqua and inferno also.
I still can't believe the Devs have fed us with more EB drop crap, no Mith to power enchantments after spending hundreds of billion on it, have too luck into more drops to upgrade items. I'm sounding like a sore broken record but I just can't believe a game like this has become completely luck based, noting you can do too help your chances, no strategy, a complete lottery.
How the hell can you war against a player with full items plus enchanted ones, probably adding up to over 30mil static bonus, I'd have to have trillions in allies if I didn't have items to even get through.
Strategy teamwork mith, pots someone who put that much time into their items and crap probably doesn't have much war experience. Or have gotta be rusty. All you need is a few hour window and you can make em lose trillions.