Individual War -NoMoreAlts-

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by DO-lBllAllTllTllLllElFIELDl-TB, May 31, 2015.

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  1. One of the things the devs could do is instead of just lightly punishing the perpetrators, they could restore the lost EE level of the victims.
  2. Lol frog so flustered he can't even make sense. The butthurt is strong with this one.

    Also, why would it be ironic that I disagree with one or more of my clan members?

    Obviously crazy hurt your feelings. We get that. Have a cry and get over it already.
  3. Personally I believe there needs to be some sort of minimum threshold. My proposal is a minimum raw stats amount of 200m, This translates to 4m cs which might seem like a lot but with equipment this gap is bridged fairly easily which means players who actually have some experience can take part and it actually gives new players a goal they can work towards if they want to war.

    Most online games have some sort of level restriction to certain aspects of the game so I feel kaw needs this with wars.
  4. Good idea. If only the developers would just listhen to us and not by ignoring the issue and let it be.
  5. Exactly and there would be very little complaining too. SH would still be able to indi due to thier BFE and BFA. Even the statless with decent BFE and BFA should be able to meet that minimum goal so it literally just excludes the weakest and newest players from the mix and gives new players something to head for instead of thinking about the huge gap they have to cross to be #1 (not going to happen)
  6. Lol typo moron. Gotta love it when people have nothing intelligent to say they retort "yeah, well you're butthurt".

    How about this: instead of being the forum nub and ruining EE wars with your alts, you bring out that cool,sexy build of yours and teach me a lesson?

    Can you do that, or are you too scared?
  7. Hang on, warring with an alt is banned? I war on my alt all the time because I know I suck and want to practise before I start warring on this account, is that really not allowed?
  8. According to what Chaos said, the developers have decided (really?) to cast any of your accounts you owned. But the point is for the new created accounts who cast woc then trolls around in individual war.
  9. You are able to war on your alt to your hearts content.
  10. Warring on alts (multiple accounts) used to be banned however it no longer is due to circumstances like you stated where players legitimately want to war on different accounts. What is banned with alts warring is abuse. This means spamming, 0 actions and any other kind of war abuse in order to give one of your accounts an advantage.
  11. Kezzer, is absolutely 100% correct.
  12. warring with multiple accounts*
  13. Lol it's quite obvious you are more than a bit upset by crazy.

    I'll state it again since you seem to be too stupid to have caught it the first time. I DONT TROLL EE WARS. I have better things to do with my free time.

    And of course, leave it to frog the war running crybaby to call out the smaller accountssorry, but I don't play pin war and you look to poor to be worthy of a strip
  14. Ooooh, okay, then I'm doing fine :)
    Just avoiding most SH by staying in the lowest tier, so far won all my 7 wars lol
    But yeah, I have noriced the alt problem... :/
  15. Lol Monkey it's not my fault your build is crap.

    You know what, I think it needs more sdt

    I believe that build is named "For-The-Love-Of-God-Yafi-Please-Don't-Strip-Me"build.
  16. Someone should start up a clan of indie destroyers. Their job would be simple they simple wait till indie and cast, then they cause as much chaos and disruption as possible. Then they simply return to the clan and the second shift take over the next indie.This way they will always have enough people to disrupt the indie. I think indie would be destroyed in a matter of weeks it they could get enough people like crazy.
  17. How about no? Seriously I love primal wars myself but indi wars are also great fun and they are the main type of ee wars currently. Also fyi if you love primal so much how about you get a decent primal build.
  18. There are always gonna be scumbag cowards who are gonna try and ruin ppls fun. The question is how the devs handle them. I don't think a one month ban is unreasonable. I also think at least returning the EE edge to the victims is reasonable. Show that you care devs.
  19. Huge support for this thread

    I used to do indi wars at least 3-4 times a week, I enjoyed warring with random players, some you knew from previous wars and some that didn't have a clue what to do but that was what made it fun, cc was there to help the new ones before war started, now I refuse to waste my time and money due to a few that can ruin or waste 2 hrs of my life by spamming cc or just not participating as a team, if something is done to change all this I would definitely indi again, it's meant to be fun 
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