Individual War Feedback

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 30, 2014.

  1. Grow and you won't face stateless alts!0: woah never thought of playing the game by growing
  2. You gies need to do 50/50 indi and you own clan wars, its crazy, with the innactives and with the active ppl who dont xtial, its crazy, pls do 50/50 indi and your own clan wars..thanks
  3. Suggestion : ban inactives from participating in the next 3 wars.

  4. I hope DEVS are listening...
    i dont want to create a new thread on this issue..
    and thanks D-KIng for your support
  5. Individual wars are cool but i think some improove need to be done :)

    1) maybe u should make another spell for ppl qho want wc or track so u could setup wc and tracker on both side

    2) let more player allow to be admin or make someone owner so he could make admin thoose needed (like wc and tracker ) so those guys's can change CA

    3) try introduce an exp/perform on matchup, many time experienced warriors meet non experienced then result to a mismatch against ability to war

    4) i really like the system but the win rate is really hazardous, maybe ee should only grow ?

    5) ppl non experiencing signup and war without xtal -> that's bad for team will u introduce war xtal ?

    6) if u want mAke individual war during season 4 (or after) high rancor level will be harder to have, maybe if u make more rancor win/war or rancor aren't loosing it would be fair :)

    7) not a thing u can improve, keep whorkong like u do :) u'r awesome
  6. Fully agree with Mirza and Yoshi's views.. Could not have said it better myself.
  7. While I love my EE clannies, I have to admit that these wars were more fair and balanced than the regular system. So what if regular clans disappear. Long ago there were no clans in Kaw.
  8. Yoshii

    It's losing, not loosing
  9. Mirza, how abt devs give no war for ppl with zero xtal and yes show xtals used xD
  10. 1. If no xstals, can't cast WoC.

    2. Devs shouldn't be held responsible for no wc or tracker. That is a player held, player oriented position that is required for war. Simple solution, Learn.

    3. The bigger you get the less inactives you have, but a helpful solution here, only allow 1 account per user to cast, same as you did ASW. Then ban inactives for a few wars based on number of offenses, and the closer the war is, the more they should be banned.

    4. Individual wars are the most fun most builds have had since s1. Thanks devs for making it happen.
  11. Ty devs had planned my schedule to war and now have to change it all due to you changing war types.
    Why is it so hard to rotate one day clan wars one day indi. Or run both types in rotation daily.
    All the flip flop development and catering for the biggest cry babies that don't get there way is just convincing me its time to retire.
    Everyone could have the option to war but you won't even treat your customers fairly. If all your going to do is cater to the select few that destroy this game for others then there is never going to be a long term point to this game anymore.
    Players have presented. Solutions many times to be ignored. When you find something that's popular you can't run it without exploit ( ty players ) or consistently in a fair manner.
    That's enough of this joke for me. Just give the cry babies and exploiters everything they want and tell the rest of your customers to **** off. It's what you are doing.
  12. I didn't like individual wars cause the matches weren't balanced, You should change the way of the matches to balance the individual wars.
  13. I stopped doing ee wars because of the way matchups were, the necessity to have a specific build type, the difficulty in finding a team that has open slots for my schedule, etc... Since these indie wars have emerged I find myself warring in the system again and actually having fun doing it. I hated the stacked rosters of the past, it made it so boring. So far, every matchup I've had in the indie wars was a good matchup. People from all over KAW are learning how to work with each other and have a good time. Thank you devs for these wars and I hope to see more improvements come for clan wars, afterall, it is nice to have a regular war team.
  14. The matches seems a lot better balanced, I enjoyed the wars a lot better
  15. Re: lol

    No support
  16. Great idea to get some new blood warring! Match ups have seemed very close for the most part. The biggest frustration are inactives! Some people are casting to extend their Ee with no intention of warring! Don't give up !
  17. [​IMG]

    Had to deal with noobs like these 3 times!

    Can you "devs" be able to kick players like these during war and banned them?

    (First imagine post(sorry for any mistakes))
  18. I'll fix it

    Give me a sec
  19. --dragonkiller-- pinned