Individual War Feedback

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 30, 2014.

  1. Loving the individual wars and don't see how else to make EE fair when people will always be looking for the next exploit. Please continue with this system
  2. Individual wars really are great! The matchups are pretty balanced. More of these wars in the future would be awesome.
  3. They are great
  4. Yes it happened to us today. But even with that fact, I still had a blast in the war. We lost, by a lot...

    Doesn't change the way I feel about it, I had a blast. I will do more of these, with the hopes of this dirty PS being a once in a while occurrence. A PS who goes dirty can really mess the war up, but all is fair in love and war, so I took my loss, and will hope to try again with a better outcome, and no dirty PS. I still say the matchup system is great for these. Thanks again KAW!

  5. I take your point Chaos and it is well made. Again, I am not suggesting that these wars be entirely eliminated for Season 4, but the should not be the "mainstay" or even the majority of the wars during the Season. I would not be opposed to a few a week, but given the potential for abuse, and frankly the randomness of the clan makeup, I remain convinced that it is not a good idea to have these wars as the mainstay of Season 4.


  6. there should be a 6m cs minimum in the individual wars. that way, ppl couldn't do it with too many alts
  7. ^ worst idea ive heard all day, and its been a long day
  8. This last war was a blast, had a great team and lots of fun! It was also nice to have a fully active roster! Looking forward to more of these wars in the future! Thanks again to all of the ppl who I got to war with today!
  9. Yes I liked the war. It was a very fair match and meant a team had to pull together fast. Yes very much so. We only have less than 2 hours with a new team we have never met so it would be easier if all individual wars where fixed KO to make it easier for clans to organise them selves quickly. I'm on the ledge with these wars cause yes they make them fair wars and they are fun in one sense but they also lose the whole reason of being a clan and pulling together as a clan to work with friends you have warred with for years to defeat the opposition. It also has the issue of inactives often deciding the outcome of the war and there a lot more inactives in these wars due to the reason that they are not fighting in there home clan that they actually care about. Just something to think about for the future devs it is a great idea though 
  10. I liked the individual war! They are called chaos wars and that is exactly what it was. It was a mad scramble to come up with a plan that may work and put it into action. It evens the playing field for kingdoms/clans that don't have much or any experience with wars making it easier to learn system wars.

    Please keep these wars coming and do more at the later times or on the weekends.
  11. What ya mean don't use in season 4 . These wars let people that can't war war. Sorry if manipulators don't like seeing anyone but themselves with ee. Hansel should war if they want. Mids should to. For that matter all should and this so they can. Ifvya don't like individual wars don't do them. But don't ruin it for.half.of kaw cause you don't like not having a stacked.roster. and as far as PS getting allies hired. Maybe a noob PS didn't have to be setup. And ug it was farm them.maybe they will stop. War after a war is great. Devs look at the.numbers of.people now involved in wars and happy win or lose. Story told right there. Now stop being selfish people and let all kaw war and war a lil more fair. Soryy to those to hit punching bags. I like a tough fight it what's the point.
  12. Also this doesn't stop clans from still warring. Just saying
  13. Yes I liked it the one time I tried. :) Gonna try them again lol. The match up was pretty fair and it made the war fun and fair too! Brings back the memories of old ee wars… Full support for continuing these!
    One concern o have is with the disappearance of sign up times. Is it just me? lol It's kind of inconvenient when you can't see by what time you have to be cast and out of clan, so I suggest it is brought back and perhaps put into the no clan window as well.
    I hope these wars bring the best out of kaw!
  14. Almost 8 hours between 15 &16... lot of potential war time wasted ATA. Lets open that sucker up!
  15. Is really fair for all kaw player,let those mid and hansel can have fun for this game,if clan war,most stats will go for lb or sh.
  16. Enjoyed ind wars thoroughly hope they continue
  17. Matches were balanced! Only thing I didn't like was the strategy part of it. May get placed in a clan where nobody knows how to track or war command which basically ends up in a loss.
  18. @centauri- the ind. war I was in our clan had no trackers or wc and we still won. It can be done and adds to the chaos factor of the chaos wars.