Individual Characters Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xXx_StealthKnight_xXx, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. What if you have no equip?........ That's the problem....
  2. Then you'd probably have a rags default.
  3. Now just go pester redstar, cella, and or silph to agree to this and you'll have a winning idea. (or the top ten from the last event)
  4. I was going to make a thread like this but it kept saying error (a few months ago), but I also decided to not retry because sooo many games have it so it's not necessarily new.
  5. What do you mean by rags?..... Avatars wear rages if they don't have equips?.... Or the avatar just wear brown clothes?...
  6. I think they meant ragdolls Alaissa. Like a mannequin.
    Just a naked mannequin.
    Aw yiss.
  7. This addition is going to make the game so much better. PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN
  8. You guys are going off topic. OP was implying an editable banner. Not an interactive avatar that would not fit into this game nicely.

    But anyway, I thought about the editable banner and figured this would deem all winnable banners useless and not as "cool".

    Thats why I think clan banners or alliance banners would be a great addition.
  9. No support, our armies wear our equipment- not some stupid avatar.