1. Do one on Hte clans
  2. Lol k
  3. Bravo Lil!..

    Excellent artistic story.. Very impressive..
  4. That was pretty spot on.. Nice work
  5. Concur with Ashes and Prime above comments. Nice addition added recently. I can see more coming soon
  6. Do one on a pure spy getting stripped, after being told to hide ️allies.
  7. Y'all keep asking for more pics he's gonna start charging seals for it 
  8. [​IMG]

  9. Support , in b4 eagle
  10. This thread is dumb.

    No CF.
  11. Oh that naked ninja is da best!!!
  12. Oh this is good:) reminds me of wolfs comics on pimD ! Great
  13. This had me dying at work.


    Definitely do the HTE one. Like when someone rages about thier pots getting stolen then getting booted from clan then making the obligatory "Dont seal @ this clan" thread.

  14. exactly
  15. Haha good read. Nice job!