increases fail rate pvp.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Bully mechanics are getting worse. I fail 3-5 atks on hansels including pure spies with gold out.
  2. I've failed 60% attacks on a guy half my size; he had lower BFA and equivalent BFE.

    I understand a bully mechanic but at some point math has to play a more important role.
  3. I don't know if it's been said, but Devs released a mechanic where attacking a player much smaller than you, but within the x5 CS range, the chance of failing is larger than what it would be normally. This was introduced to stop "bullying" of small accounts by those larger than them and to let then grow.
  4. Where did you hear about that? Is it a fact or your assumption?
  5. Seems to be affecting my spies a lot more now. People around my spy stats aren't so much a problem, it's the usual BFA/BFE deal, that's fine. It's the lower statted spy defs that are starting to kill me. Same CS range but more attack minded, I mean. Now, on spy actions I'm failing a helluva lot more with 5-6 villagers an unload not being uncommon. Also getting through on me a lot more. Old thread, but still relevant.
  6. Someone explain to me what a wandering villager is lol
  7. It may have to do with the minor tweaks for EE. May be a trickle down affect that is affecting pvp. More ppl pvp than EE so it is more noticeable amongst those involved. Something to consider.
  8. This has happened a lot. Ive sent feedback everytime. And also have thought about quitting over it. ******** mechanics!
  9. Or there is a conspiracy theory explanation. I make 115 bil in ally plunder from hte. 72 mil in ally plunder from a 12 mil cs hansel. Yes there is a significant gap in the plunder I know. But 1 is totally free. Maybe just another way to get you to hte for gold. Instead of pvp.
  10. ^its a conspiracy :p
  11. Its not as bad as it seems, bully mechanics it called, when I try to assa someone who has huge spy def and full pots, I can get a hb into them successful without using pots, but when I do it with someone with **** all spy def and no pots, I find myself fail abt 1/4 of them
  12. @oli Devs made a thread on it ages ago.
  13. Must have been during my inactive period or I just don't remember lol
  14. might still be there, may have to wade through tonnes of "EE feedback" to find it