increases fail rate pvp.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Thank you for bringing this up. It has killed my interest in kaw. I can hit people with nothing in bfe, bfa, and not all the def pots and lose at full. Again and again. I have success hitting builds I shouldn't be able to. I fail repeatedly on builds with a quarter the defense compared to my attack. From full. I go from winning by a narrow margin, winning overwhelmingly, to losing over and over. With no rhyme or reason. Devs have killed PvP. KILLED IT.
  2. Well the devs realeased the banners and they became defected. It could the cause of this or there lack of beta
  3. Ive noticed this extremely prominently the past 6 months. Wondering villagers seems to have a 20% occurrence chance from the seemingly 2% of before
  4. I have noticed more fails then there should be, and when I win it tends to always be a narrow margin and burn way to many troops.
  5. That is so annoying
  6. Ive seen it as well. Failing a ton of steals on players with negligible spy stats and bfe. Compared to my stats, a measly 7 pots shouldn't be holding me back.
  7. I completely agree. My current farm, WWWWMWWWMWWMW___AVMMF-lISWoDIl , has 5,338,560 Spy def. Along with, lets just say, mediocre bfe, lack of any spy def bfa, and 10 sdps. To my 5,737,060 spy attack. Full sdps, (mediocre still) 78 mil spy attack bfe, no real spy attack bfa but about 380k more than his spy def bfa. And I still lose roughly a third of my steals on him.

    How this makes sense? I'll never know

    The best part is repeatedly losing My first steal from a full bar of spies. Kaw spy mechs = pro.
  8. Hopefully this was an accident that will be rectified now that its been brought to the devs attention. An error in coding, or a few misplaced number values could've thrown everything off.
  9. An accident? It's just another math fail.

    Attacks on a pure spy from 8mil attk stats...all odds aside...should never fail.

    It's not just pvp they've killed. The same occurs in EE and EBs. Most noticeably with attk actions.

    Spy actions, including steals, never seem to fail in and EB, regardless of noobness. I generalise...
  10. Honestly... I rarely get wandering villagers; but the target is bigger than me in spy stats so that may be a reason.
  11. People with 6mil+ attack fail attacks against me, but i can win attacks against them, all i have is a level 3 castle and a stable.
    I really dont understand this logic.

    Someone with 6mil attack attacked me 20 times yesterday and only got 2 successful actions
  12. All my accounts and Everyone I've asked has said the same. Where we used to win 100% on people, we now barely win or fail. It's stupid. I've had situations where I can't win on someone an they can't win on me.
  13. It's been like this for some time. I'm surprised people have just started noticing.
  14. My belief is still devs are trying to discourage pvp to promote hunts and ebs such as hte. The elements of the game they can profit from the most. But that is pure speculation.

    And wow this is an old post but glad to see so many noticing the change and that its not just me going mad.

    I would also now factor in the new equipment and assume that's making the hit ratios more erratic.
  15. Any chance that the 5x larger and smaller CS mech. has anything to do with this? Maybe its in tiers as you go lower and gets more and more random? Idk just throwing something out there. Haha
  16. I agree too . Been failing on small accounts too . Seems weird .
  17. Yip I've noticed it for a while now I always fail even fully potted
  18. I had emailed support about this, they told me to bring it to forums.

    It's a problem, they don't care. A typical ATA response.
  19. Me and my owner scout stoirin (clan owner) just to see if we can make it through her towers sometimes and I am slightly stronger than him with spies, and my BFE is slightly stronger than his, I can't get through on her but he can, EVERY scout, kinda ridiculous.
  20. Another note, we were both full potting.