increases fail rate pvp.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. I've noticed the same
  2. Where are the devs to answer these questions? Nowhere... They are still thinking about how to answer it without them looking like idiots...
  3. Yes - it's pretty unusual now to do a full bar without a fail I find. Snr lost 5 spy actions in one unload the other say against 1.5m spy def (8m attack) who had smaller bfe, low spies and limited bfa.

    Correct outcome should have been no fails, random 1 wv loss was possible but not 5.

    Snr 
  4. I'm winning attacks against players at 4-5m defence with pots and equipment, I'm using pots yes but I still get "you barely won", as in I won by extreme luck, and getting this 60% of the time. I love it xD
  5. Thank you for posting this DK. I thought I was going crazy. I spend a lot of time doing PVP when my clan is warring and I'm not. I usually hit specific inactives more than BL so I can see an exact increase of fails better than most. It is very recent and much increased. The funny part is that if KaW responds at all to this topic they will give the standard set answer of "We have not made any recent changes", when it is obvious that they have.
  6. Yea I fail on people with crap spy stats all the time.. It's gay

    I will win a bunch of hits on someone on the LB then fail on some forum chump with with baby spies stats and no sdp
  7. It could be their way of getting back at everyone whining for PVP change. Technically it's a PVP change. I bet it's a troll, just think about it. :lol:
  8. Since season 3 started /.-

    How can a 7 m ca hansel fail with someone who has only 325,000 spy stats and no pots? I was mithed and used 5 pots! Wtf is going on with mechanics?
  9. Just one of the ways the devs have destroyed pvp.
  10. This was apparently the "bully mechanic" it makes it so a bigger player can't pick on smaller builds so much.

    What irks me is when I fail 4 hits on top then successes towards the bottom on the same player
  11. Unfortunately bully mech doesn't seem to work as planned. I'm fact from test what I can assure you it does is reward an attack build farming larger hansels.
    This is adversely damaging to the gameplay.
    Either they should both be unable to attack each other or they should both have equal attack and defence ability. Forcing fails upon players in my experience will force many pvp players to want to have yet another reason to quit kaw.
    Removing one parties ability to pvp effectively is the wrong response

    We need tighter hit ratios not higher failure rates if anything.
  12. The bottom of my hit range I fail more than I should. Happens all the time.
  13. Yup. I've noticed this. Actually ended up with 5x wandering villager in a row. It's never just the once anymore, but multiples. Rather bloody irritating.
  14. Towers change a lot with win loss ratio
  15. I found that people scouting me fail more than usual then I find them and don't fail
  16. what up Devs? Should I just change back to attack build? Why giving spies the shaft?
  17. Yes it has increased and is very annoying. Losing to 1m spy def 4 times in an unload is plain stupid.
  18. YES.
    I use an inactive farm.

    My alt is 5mcs spy. A week, maybe a month ago, I would be able to penetrate through the inactive (3mcs) and win every steal.

    This inactive doesn't even have equipment for spy defense pots

    I fail every attack now.
  19. Its not uncommon for me, a 9.4m hansel with great equip and some bfa to fail a steal on anyone 4m spy or less, using full pots. Makes no sense to me so I stopped hitting people, I use my alt for that now.
  20. Op it could be the new avatar thingy?? Idk its never happend to me