Incorrect Stat Increase on SDT and ADT buildings on New Land

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Adonis-ICE_MaCHiNE, May 9, 2016.

  1. Ata_grant is online now..

  2. Quick, try some anime.

  3. Support
  4. Thanks for bringing this to our attention guys! Will double check the numbers again
  5. Its a you! Mario!!
  6. Awesome Mario. Thank you. If you need I have all Lvls and increases for both ADT and SDT (sad I know but wasn't kidding when I said I'd done my research) just let me know and I'll post.
  7. If you'd bend so easily, might as well fix hl volaries too. Grow some balls, take a stand. 
  8. Following up my previous post, we took a look at the numbers for the level 10 Defense Towers (Enslaved Fellstorm and Crystallich Thaumalens) and have altered them to better reflect the value that should be received for the amount of gold it costs to upgrade them from level 9 to 10.

  9. Isnt capitalism companys trying to sell you less for more thats like our entire economy
  10. Ego stroked? Buttered you up? Your sick OP
  11. Where's Luigi?
  12. Mario you amazing game designer you. Thank you for your quick reply and the amend. Much much better. Keep up the great work...see told you guys, he's the one that gets all the girls

    Icey out
  13. A good representation of the American economy, the LB say jump and ATA asks how high. :lol:
  14. Adonis you missed the part on the OP about my spy stats!

    I logged on today and suddenly I don't have 18 sky lands unlocked with lvl10's on them.
  15. Adonis-ICE_MaCHiNE for Valiant Knight! :)

  16. Then, shouldn't this be looked at, too? Especially because I haven't done that upgrade in any account yet and I'd like to get more/fair stats for it, :lol:.
  17. This isn't a new phenomenon. There are many cases where the stats/gold spent go down.

    And yeah, that's just what we need. Let's make turtle builds easier so no one can ever win an attack in war unless you're lb or hitting a ps1
  18. You'll need to ask using a lb account
  19. Support. Exactly the same issue as the atk buildings. Devs would u mind looking at it plz?