Incase anyone is unclear how bad abyss upgrades really are..

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by ISI-IOI-IRI-IAI, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. That moment when valiant knights realize they are just as unimportant as everyone else.
  2. Hell no. We worked our asses off to get that. And many aren't HLBC yet. Thousands don't have level 4. You mean to say that the guy who just joined 1 second ago gets in that small time what others made in a long? While I support giving LL open, HLBC is too much.
  3. The only innocent people is the art department.
  4. Well come up with a better solution. Because all that hard work is going to mean jack when you have a big old account on a dead game.
  5. Maybe if u make hte pay less to bigs and more to smalls? Big ppl have LOTL anyway

  6. At this point everyobe should do 2 things.

    1) accept kaw is dying
    2) only work on water lands since the stat upgrades are so much better.
  7. And anyone that doesn't think kaw is dying need only look at world chat. It used to be you couldn't scroll back more than a minute or so and it was difficult to click a name because it was jumping so fast. Now? I just went back seven minutes. Well done, ata, well done!
  8. By the same token , those that worked hard to buy the new upgrades deserve it as well. So its either we get upset we cant catch LB or we get upset that players below us catch us up or we get over it and kaw. the level playing field is a pipe dream.
  9. what about a in between solution here? What about giving the new players a few of those spy glasses to help explore the HLs?
  10. There's no way we should start them off hlbc, technically I'm not even hlbc, I would've been if they wouldn't of came out with the next level for the t5(which made me really pissed off)
  11. Who all bought them Karma? Those who were already huge. Can you buy them at the speed they do? It's like making the rich richer. Yes, it is pay to win. But there won't be a place to win if you lose a majority of your playing population. 120 mil cs is a possibility now. People aren't even 20.
    I'm not against new tiers. But was it actually necessary to increase the already huge rift?
    Devs are money minded now. No problem there. They did make this game to earn cash. It's not that only LB spend. I personally buy xtals every month. We too pay.
    This sucks.
    I'll end my rant.
  12. The problem isn't the building prices it's more the hit range if as it sits a 50 m cs can hit a hlbc account then those who bc have 100 mcs or more can still hit hlbc then that is the problem

    My solution is I stopped ug my buildings and just adding bfa to off set the cost since they cost so much
  13. Oh it is much worse.

    Red and Cella are making 1 trill an HTE right now.

    go look.

    I would show an SS but I am afraid that the devs will Forum Ban me again.
  14. I just finish upgrading Highlands 
  15. se

    Finished my last hl with bb's from event XD if devs didnt wait till it was spent to release the new lands :/ I'd a skipped the last hf an upgrade in the abyss -_-

  16. Many are. Rambo made 1.2T in 17 mins with max xstal 13% 20% 100% 200% and 50% hte bonuses.

  17. ...thats still red/cella lol
  18. Redstar end build...


    Max PS end build...


    (I have the stats of half the level 5 stats for abyss)
  19. To clarify this point... VKs are completely normal players. We have no "perks" other than the achievement and blue name, we are simply players that play the game how we choose and try and keep a positive. Of course we are equally important... We are normal players!