I still have a good laugh at people that put "don't hire me or I'll reset on you" I'v hired loads of these types, they never reset. It's shocking the noob things big HLBC players have on their banners, such childish crap. I personally think anyone that whines over active good stat allies selling is a noob, it's not my problem that whoever owns an underpriced good ally is in osw when I hire. I never look at owners banners, it takes enough time looking for a good active account, without looking to see if the owner is a noob that doesn't understand it's an open market and you don't own anyone, you're only hiring.
Bumped for the dude who just posted to my wall to complain about an ally buy... Oh and he called me "bro". :lol:
Ally market is a free market. Anyone's can be bought at anytime. However, if you put gold out on someone while they're at war, expect to become part of that war in most cases.
I hate when lb people claim to be in war "don't hire my ally's im in war" when there obviously not in a war by there eb history. **** ing ***** lb players
I hate people that will threaten smaller people but drop the proverbial sack when someone there size fights them.
Funny that this was bumped, I was just talking about the huge increase in people with "DON'T HIRE ALLIES, EE WAR, HIRE = HITS" lol If you're going to carry good stat allies, you should expect them to sell anytime. Ally market doesn't shut down for the whole weekend, every weekend now with EE wars. My last EE war I sold 8 40bil and 1 214bil allies. Plan ahead, I had prepared 15 40bil and 8 big allies to buy in case any sold during war.
Haha thank you. Not gonna lie, I love that this keeps getting bumped. It's an oldie, but still applies. If you want to keep your allies, make sure they're overpriced. If you're protective in public over keeping them, be prepared to buy them back from people who want to profit. Simple economics.