In Search of Treasure... Dragon Chestplate

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. Yes dylacer, tons of threads to go through!! Tons of fun!! 
  2. [​IMG]

    Found another :)
  3. Stoooopid 
  4. From what I've seem so far it don't look very nice. Too yellow.
  5. Maybe the enchant will be a special color??
  6. Geez death ur committed 
  7. Haha, just a little passion for dragons 
  8. "Treasure" Dragon plus the gold color makes me wonder... plunder bonus attribute attached to the armor?
  9. ^^^ I really hope so.
  10. I hope the stats are as good as it's going to look.
  11. Don't really care what they look like, really just want to know what stats they have and if ive been collecting all these eggs for pretty yet crappy equipment
  12. After all the pieces are found, will you reveal the whole image?
  13. Yes plunder bonus would be suitable for the name
  14. Plunder plunder plunder
  15. Watch it have a plunder bonus ppl who didn't participate are going to be mad. :lol:
  16. If it was going to have plunder bonus they would of said it up front to maximize participation and sales of seals. Probably would of lasted a hell of a lot longer too.
  17. Sad but probably true^^
  18. Find your own damn chest plate lazy ass devs
  19. [​IMG]

    This was my best 5 minute attempt at throwing together what you guys found.
  20. You are the best Resilience!! Thank you for that
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