in response to statless 'come at me bro'

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Swabia2, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Ah - the old - you was dtw so assumed you'd had enough ruse . We both know I hit you way more than that. Your clan also knows the same as I got bored and after few days ended in your ca to scout bomb me for a day until they got bored like you.

    As for inactivity - c'mon show the ss you clearly took when we started (being a pvp genius that you are ) to allow folk to compare my stats and win/losses 70 ish days ago to now?

     what's that I hear - oh yes it's the silence of the guy who cannot back up what he says.

    So that's you found wanting at forums and in newsfeed. Have the last word sweety whatever you say will be rubbish so go ahead, I'm out of here ️
  2. Learn the facts PooHandNivans . You just sprout whatever the sheep sprout without knowing even one thing of my kaw history


    PooHandNivans. Fb atk/ 13
    PooHandNivans. Fb steal / 10

    Pots can't even save you.
  3. COME AT ME BRO Do you even lift bruh
  4. What could you say about Swabia? He is a forum noob like the rest of us. Basically doesn't play anymore. Just longs in once a month to spout something nonsenical on the threads. He is an intriguing character in a clan that used to be relevant.

    But a VK? A little overboard. Val on the otherhand has directly changed how we play this game. (for better or worse).
  5. Eat a bag of crap.. You suck
  6. Whatever happened to "don't feed the troll"? 90 days of farming is a bit excessive don't you think? Lol
  7. What a loser this guys is complain cause someone hurt his feelings... Lmao
  8. I challenged op to a 1 on 1 long ago, never got it lol
  9. [​IMG]

  10. It looks like nobody respects swabia anymore.

  11. I respect Swabia
  12. swabia was one of the forumers that i was "afraid" to talk to when i was a noob. later i was reluctant to talk to him because of his legend status. he inspired me to farm random people on several occasions.

    i still respect swabia.
  13. Swabia be like

  14. After my current OSW, I would like to face yo Swabia for 99 days. Just for the fight of it.

    Hands are tied now but hopefully you are still playing when my hand become free to face you.
  15. Interesting. Nice thread
  16. Who cares, this is so retarded.