in response to statless 'come at me bro'

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Swabia2, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. do what i did. send a single spy action at them and laugh about how they stop posting.
  2. Remember when anyone with any actual OSW experience and credibility new Swabia was just a mouthpiece for 2 and a half years now.
  3. Has it changed val thought he still was
  4. I use past tense, cuz now he's just basically inactive and we shouldn't class him as a player
  5. Op fb 0adp , fb 0sdp ...(yawn)
  6. OP? U still there? Not hiding under your blankie are you?

    A little inc please 
  7. Swabia along with a few notable others is something that very few on kaw will ever be. He's a someone. He earned being known by playing kaw his way back when hitting people was more common than today.

    Additionally he learnt kaw mechs as well as anyone and was willing and happy to teach others about war, mechs and builds. Even those with whom he fought against.

    It's true that he's not done much in the last couple of years and as he wasn't willing to bash away at EBs he cannot make his account grow to a size of much use.

    I also don't much like the point of this thread as it does show a kaw legend playing in the lower leagues as opposed to retiring with grace, but those haters on here can't change the fact Swabia is among the few true kaw legends, it's just his time is generally over.
  8. such is kaw. i pee rainbows and poo unicorns
  9. Swabia is a joke. I've said it before and I'll say it again.

    Here's my main, come at me. Or I can use my smaller alts on you. Not that it matters, you'll just go inactive.
  10. Re: Little TimTims Pride Flush

    FREE SWABIA ^( oCo)^



    Sorry, old habits die hard ( o-o);

    Ha... Haha... Haaaa... ( ._.)
  11. Nate swabia will probably ask help from his clan
  12. Op fb 0adp fb 0 sdp

    ...come on "come at me bro"
  13. Poo hand nivans. War runner, racist, noob
  14. Says the account that reset countless times
  15. And its black learn to spell
  16. Yoda, shut it u noob, u ran away and played dead when I smacked u around for months, gladiat0r is another one w a coward build that turtles support, no respect. ^___^
  17. Gotcha - amazed you're willing to talk after I slapped you around last time. You started out well but soon seemed to stop hitting and instead play dead. I even went up and down your poor excuse for bh clan for a while. Only real returns I got was from SirHayden until he left.

    As for builds - it's not my fault you're too stupid to know how to fight against different builds. Maybe you shoulda learnt kaw mechs when growing by reading forums as opposed to talking stupid in them 
  18. ^^^^^ You bored me, still do....can't do much w roadkill, at least yoda tries to grow and cries a lil....u just turtle up and play dead.
  19. Play dead? Lmao - you're either lying to make you look better or to feel better. However, irrespective as to what you say, we both know I was hitting you and your clan for 3 weeks with next to no returns from you in that period.

    You are a perfect specimen of what bh stands for these days. Talk rubbish, do little and that little you do is done badly.

    I will come find you again from time to time when bored - I know your response will be "it's not a build I like to fight so I will ignore" 
  20. Inc, of maybe 5 failed steals every 3 or 4 days, then when I go to hit u, all banked up....go inactive for weeks, I said boooring...yoda at least is I said u played dead, so I took it as your way of saying u had enough. ;)