In regards to my dear friend bomanator

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ___STONED___, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. So many dumbasses, so little time. ZAFT does not acted towards WDGAF like bom did. He hire hit alliance members. The nubs with half-assed brains are on repeat and are soo irritated it's funny. Soz fools if an alliance won't protect all of kaw over ally hires/hits
  2. I see the distinction Cyn is making, and I think it's not only a very clear one, it's also a very important one to make.

    It's not that the issue was brought to forums - it's the manner in which it was presented to us.

    Sure, you're a big alliance with the freedom to change your story at will, but at least admit you changed your story.

    First, it was WDGAF freeing the ally market because it was the right thing to do. And anyone else doing the same as Bom better watch out.

    Now it's about protecting an alliance member.

    It doesn't matter which position you lot take, but at least be consistent.
  3. No way. Have I finally managed to drill through the thickest skull known to mankind: the nub skull
  4. I never ever troll !!
  5. Everyone's motive towards it is different my outlook and zeros outlook may differ by leaps and bounds on many things what hasn't changed is we did the strip pulled it successfully you want proof and answers and this and that shut the **** up you whining ass noobs don't like it bring it to the news
  6. Cynder and Cheese are correct. The issue isn't the strip itself. The issue is the fact at the time of your official statement you said it was freeing the market. And when those claims fell under scrutiny, you changed your reason for the strip.

    Stop making excuses. Stop rationalising. And stop changing your story.
  7. I had a few unloads on a hire that hired one of my allies but for the record I did ask him nicely then volleyed up a extra 200bil then I farmed him
  8. Does it really matter what you think or anyone else? It still happened in record time flawlessly  nothing you really can say will change it you can pick and poke all you want at it nothing will change, our eyes are always looking for what tomorrow brings
  9. Are you kidding op? Look what Wulf said on the thread it was not just because of his dnh banner, he ran several bars on them within 24 hours. Get over yourself.
  10. The only acceptable solution in this situation is to handcuff Azuresun. But not Curtish though, cuz he will have the key 2 weeks ahead
  11. iRain, you sound like a spoiled, arrogant, little , not unlike the "foe" you and your friends vanquished.

    You boldly stand upon the shoulders of giants.

    IDK who you are, but I assure you, you are no Curtish, nor a Heath.

    WTF happened over there in Regs after I left?

    Some of you are starting to sound like the very people I once helped you stand against. 

    Power corrupts; ultimate power corrupts ultimately.
  12. Why are we called trolls for stating opinions or asking questions. If you deem us trolls please report me to ata.
    Description of issue:

    If not then please do not falsley accuse us of breaking RoC as being a troll is against the rules (as is falsley accusing those of breaking it).

    On a side note I do believe nothing is left to be said on this topic. Those like us will continue to let it live on that Bom was great and a legendary player. All his allies I have spoken with are upset, but Bom is happy he is free from his phone.

    I am happy for Bom Bom. I remember when him and Maj were just noobs. Its sad to see his kingdom go. But we must let it like any other strip─ just die out.

    Bom you did a great job keeping your allies until this point, keeping all your friends close and protected. In other words you put up a great fight.

    I do believe WDGAF is doing the right thing, other than
    another clabs Robin Hood stunt. You guys are actually sticking with it, I just hope you do the right thing and keep going on everyones. Even though some say certain LB will take too much to strip, even attempts will prove significant and honorable.

    Hope to see this idea of a new rule expand, its a new era i suppose.
  13. Blazey,

    I don't like making a distinction between human interaction and the quality of this game.

    There's no question that this game is stupid, right? I mean, we press buttons and stuff. No cool graphics or CG. No VR - just tappity tap tap.

    But I think it's hard to deny that there are certain types of players in this game.

    I used to be a casual player. The true tap tapper until I met saggy.

    She pissed me off so bad that it drew me down to the next level of the game.

    You get involved. People get caught up. Relationships and trust are build and broken.

    Sure, it's "just a game," but you're interacting with real human beings.

    It is for that reason that I think this game can hold a certain degree of power over a person's RL, depending on the person.

    I'm not saying it's healthy, but it's possible.

    But I do agree with you. I have seen the way people change depending on their situation and position in this game.

    Wulf was once desperate for help and allies against BH/AAH.

    When I reached out for him to fight against you (Blazey), I was met with wide open arms. My clan and I were welcomed to join the fight against the evil BH and Co.

    He was desperate. I had help to offer.

    But now he's like a pie in the sky.

    It's the same for many other people I've known in KaW.

    One minute you're the best of friends fighting side by side.

    The next minute, it's like you don't even know each other.

    Funny how similar this "game" is to real life...
  14. I agree with you there, Blazey.

    Never thought those words would ever come from my lips 
  15. Bom u were the greatest enemy, I recall from
    a osw back about 2 years ago. I made mistakes against you, but they were honest mistakes. Always Faithful.
  16. At risk of many inc, Did bomb seriously ragequit? Lol
  17. He quit, but it wasn't rage. It was calm acceptance of a way out finally and an openness to new opportunities elsewhere.
  18. Bom got allies stripped. Bom is a free elf
  19. @ Ireg and others who are regarding azure's post. You keep telling us to look at the thread, but I think you also need to take another look. Because in his thread, he most definitely said that ANYONE who decides to act or play like bom WE MAY BE COMING FOR YOU TOO. Maybe not exact wording but that's what you meant, and I'm pretty sure by the word/prase ANYONE this would also mean your alliance members. But as you've already explained, you won't do anything to zaft because it's there ordeal. Any who, what's said is said and what's done is done, bom stripped for ally taxing like many others in the game. Cheers. Once again I will give my best regards to bom, and I do hope that you will decide to treat others who tax the same way. ️
  20. I have asked zaft members if I can hire allies... they agreed nicely. Sucks to see bom gone. Hope he is doing well