In regards to my dear friend bomanator

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ___STONED___, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. I didnt realized i spelled gang wrong lol
  2. What regulator has a hire hit banner? Please list them here. Then I'll give you a response 
  3. Bomanator was a jerk lol don't be a jerk and you won't get stripped lol
  4. Sugah. Has crow eyes and is addicted to crystal mith 40yr ex dancer that is fat and dorf sized. True story. I seen it.
  5. What's a dorf?
  6. As stated he was stripped for hoarding under priced allies and taxing unfairly for them yes it's a war game but he got caught up. I was a victim to him when I first started playing so I have no sympathy for this guy. And the DNH banners are mostly people who are is OSW an EE who have a right to with hold allies unless pm an asked major respect to WDGAF my enemies but 190t is a huge feet to strip
  7. Sugah does like crystals and mith though.
  8. im sorry WDGAF but your alliance Zaft is to well known for DNH banners, agreed some have the banner and will let you hire if your nice enough to them in their pm, but 90% will not let you hire.

    so i dont see how you can get on your high horse and strip a player clean, when it is your alliance that does it as well
  9. @southern.

    We don't control ZAFT, nor do we aim too. Their game play is their choice as is the governance of their members. They don't hire hit us. If you have an issue with ZAFT, pm a ZAFT leader. We don't assume to speak for them.

    Thanks 
  10. my point is a alliance is taking a stand against dnh banners, while it is in their alliance that is the most known for dnh banners, do you get my point? because i dont get yours
  11. [​IMG]

    Falling to Alts instead of pieces

    Your were a good friend Bom
  12. To op, I thought WDGAF stripped farmed bomb because he hit members/council of wdgaf after a few hired one of his allies.

    Agree or not with WDGAF response, but this is a war game. If you tax someone for allies, no matter who you are, you risk getting stripped.

    My views is bom and WDGAF were playing their game how they like to play, the two sides butt heads and bom took a loss from the conflict.

    His choice to quit was on him. He could have rallied and fought back but choose not too.

    Welcome to kaw, if you tax allies, there is a real chance you will wake up stripped.
  13. @Zero I never stated that, you yourself acted as if they did that its fine because they're allowed whatever in their banner.

    I'm not going to bother explaining what you stated for theres never an answer in these situations.

  14. Pretty sure in the op of Az's statement regarding this strip, we never said Bom was stripped because of a DNH banner.

    You trolls are mixing up apples and oranges.

    Just take the couple minutes to read Az's statement. If you don't like what. We did what we needed to do. He should've thought that his actions of interfering with our last OSW, as well as hire hits on members would be met with force. He was asked once to knock it off. He was very pompous in his response. We didn't ask twice. We escalated it accordingly.

    Don't worry. He's still on his alts hitting a couple people he thinks might've helped WDGAF 
  15. No not becuz of the banner.

    But the behavior that your zaft allies do as well

    I posted the statement here by way of SS last page for clarity
  16. He was in the top 5 evil not recently but he was lol
  17. Cynder, not sure why you're failing to grasp the words we are dropping on these threads.

    This isn't about a DNH banner, ok? It wasn't about ally hoarding, ok? It was about hire hits, after follows/pm's where he was asked to knock it off. Was also about him interfering with our OSW. But none of that matters to you, right?

    Your issue is with ZAFT. Which I don't know if you have a hard time grasping how this game works, because you ask a lot of dumb questions. So I'll assume that you are, in fact, speshul. So this is what you do, since you have an issue with ZAFT:

    1: follow a ZAFT leader.
    2: wait for them to follow you back (also hold your breath).
    3: explain your case.

    Your trolling to get a response out of WDGAF regarding our allies at ZAFT has got to be wearing your patience out.
  18. Not sure why you are failing to grasp what azure said in his own thread.

    And I'm not trolling, Stop trying to marginalize me. Your words now and azure's words on your behalf differ greatly. I'm attempting to find the difference between zaft LB and Bom besides he hit your guys and zaft doesn't.

    In azure's words he states those acting like Bom will be sought after and possibly stripped next. Hey guess what, zaft is king of ally taxing. But you don't care. You want to make sure you are in the light.

    If this was personal why post it on forums? Why make it 'for the greater good'? It makes you look a bit hypocritical allied with those who do the same as Bom.

    My problem isn't with zaft, it's with you pretending righteousness by this act while aligning yourselves with those who do the same.

    You are great fighters and I respect you for that, but I don't care who it is I will call out that which I don't agree with.