In regards to my dear friend bomanator

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ___STONED___, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. @Clumsy

    It's easy for you to say that, but 190 trillion is different. He spent so much time and money obtaining those allies and didn't want to start all over. It would take years. Most strips are easy to get back from, but 190 trillion is different.
  2. In my honest opinion, I would have much more respect for Bom if he took it like a champ, and built back up. I understand the tragedy, but come on.

    WDGAF did something that they will not be forgotten for, and they did it well. I would be a liar if I said I didn't respect that.

  3. He did take it like a champ. Absolute respect to him. Perhaps you should have a read of the philo thread when you get chance.
  4. He had plenty of large alts still intact. He took this as an invitation to put down KaW and enjoy his life. That was his decision. Please stop defending Bom when he can speak for himself.
  5. What usiwa said.

    It would be more admirable to take it like a man and get some dirty kaw revenge. Instead hes just cowering away.
  6. I read the original thread, what other thread are you talking about? Throw me a link please.
  7. Actually this points something out.

    WBLBA has picked a stance in kaw. However it's directly against the stance of their ally ZAFT.

    Safe to assume you are ending said alliance? Didn't think so hahaha
  8. Still no answer or remark toward there own allies having the DNH banners, I've been taxed by members who are in the WDGAF alliance many times, yet no reprimands. Please do explain why this is just towards bom, or explain how you will take more actions towards this because as of now I'm still seeing this as just a feud towards bomanator. If that's true so be it, but don't preach a FREE ALLY MARKET, if you won't have your own alliance members do the same.
  9. Lets try this again.

    Bom. Hire. Hit. Into. MULTIPLE. WDGAF. members.

    Why the hell wouldnt they take action??
  10. Replied to that in multiple threads already including this one. We targeted the one hitting our members for it. Comprende?
  11. Mjolnir.

    I'll help ya out. Most don't care about the strip. It happens all the time in kaw.

    People are tired of watching others play the holier than thou card which is something WBLBA does quite a bit of now. They still wanna be seen as "good guys" when in reality they have done just like every other clan that rises to power. become the evil of kaw.
  12. Oooooo a council member wow, that esplains everting. Shame you never got to meet the other side of Bom. Awesome fella

    Fact is buying an ally from larger players in a sense is a form of farming. Ppl would buy them off Bom knowing he'd buy them back. You and I may not agree with this action but fed up with this he started taxing ppl. He didn't invent this as previously mentions it's a wide spread. Closing my comment Bom was fun to play the game with. Won't get any little boy arguments from me or debate. Boys are icky any way
  13. For the record, Sugah has a hire/tax banner as well. But I guess it is about Bom hitting WDGAF members repeatedly.
  14. Oh? She does?

    Uhhh "Allies not for sale if yours arent" isnt close to DNH or Will hit if you hire. That is utter malarky. I have hired off Sugar repeatedly in the past with ZERO issue
  15. You can't win with KaW. If you don't war and just EB, your an EB fairy. If your in a war and your dare to make a big decision, in this case Bom(yes I know this was not a war) and strip them, your suddenly bad, and have no justification for it, when in fact you shouldn't need any. This is a war game. Bom played a war game, and he was put into checkmate. Tough.
  16. As I recall sugah had a banner that stayed "ALLIES OVER 500B NOT FOR SALE" or something very close to it the other day. Correct me if I'm wrong. But is there really any difference? Allies over 1.5t are overpriced not 500b.
  17. Stewie,

    Had WBLBA came out and said we stripped bom clear of the lb for messing with us, nobody would have cared for their reasoning.

    Nor does anyone care what their reasoning is. It's kaw, all you need is reason and for me a wall post is means enough.

    It's the fact WBLBA tried to act like martyrs, as they have in the past. Playing the hero card. It was only a matter of time before people started seeing through all the wholesome goodness act Wulf portrays.

    Like its a shocker to kaw that WBLBA has become the villains they use to protest.
    Go figure. Two former mods, one banned for botting and one who openly admits they botted their osf during pw days, aren't fooling anyone with their hero acts anymore.

    Not that it's bad to be that. Most of my kaw I've been seen as a villain. It's way more fun to play this way. But own it, stop trying to play it off like WBLBA are the good guys.