in event or not?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlllIilI_MR_MAGOO_lllIIlll, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. If that's how you view osw then there is your problem lol. I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish. Are you trying to compare eb players to osw? Because you can't. Your vision of PVP is misconstrued. Most of the eb players stick to their ebs and only hit those. Then the pvp event comes along and they are introduced into hitting other people. Then when it is over they go back to EB's (unless they have been converted). Does that little event that they participated in make them a PVP player? No not at all. If you interpret osw to be a few hits every now and then and maybe participating in a strip once or twice. You are doing it waaaaay wrong lol. Activity is key, be it burning pots, just keeping them pinned, roster checks, tracking, strips and most of all, have fun doing it. A pvp player has fun participating in pvp and actively does so. And does not need an event to help them along.

    I feel like I'm rambling but if any of that makes any sense then good lol.
  2. Oli I has to ask, has he been in one of your past ca farms :shock: he seems a little, how to say it. Nooby towards this.

    That or he clearly is asking to be in a ca :? :lol:
  3. plz mad plz
  4. Very true Oli, you're always gonna get players using the event to attack those they wouldn't normally and claim to be experienced oswer's yet as you pointed out, hitting is only one small aspect of it.

    That being said, anyone can hit me if they like. I'll hit back. Try to farm, I'll farm back. Those true osw players won't care, those who aren't will cry a little after lol
  5. No hits please, I am just farming my PS.
  6. Hey Magoo youre gonna love this one


    1. Smoochie Smoochie my booty booty.... (I already told you clowns im already in Apoc :lol: :lol: )

    2. ........"cant we just be friends?"

    3. ........butt starting to get itchy/hot

    (Unfollowed and blocked :roll: )


    4. of FULL BLOWN BUTTHURT :lol: :lol: :lol:

    -w/ much love -BaconTodd ❤️❤️❤️
  7. * patiently waiting for Valentine to come up with little girl sarcasm *

  8. I do have to say I agree with the limit your hit policy. I have a few alts and I log on and see a few hits I will return fire or move on. If I see 15+ hits from the same person they become my toy until I get bored.
  9. Glade too see your still here magoo. Nothing but respect too all in osw. And tes a few hits is ok a lot is asking for trouble. Most of the people in this thread crying about getting put in ca. Have never been in an osw so they dont understand the fun, team work and perseverance it takes too osw. Run a bar or too on anyone in osw. During this event and you may just find out. Peace.
  10. I was actually someone who was more of an EE warrior then an OSW/PVP one. I would go to EE, then right back to EB. The two are so different that it hurts. There is no timer like in EE or EB, there is no knowing EXACTLY when that person will come out of pin, there is no 1 Xtal. OSW is Cold, dirty, bloodthirsty, and hardcore. And I Find myself Loving it! The adrenaline of a strip, the nervousness of not knowing if you will be stripped or not in the coming minutes, hours, or even days. The teamwork to track a target's sleep/inactivity patterns. I thought this was just a tap tap game before, but OSW proved to me that it actually takes strategy, cunning, and Gall to play this game a completely different and very fun way. I haven't been in APOC family for long, my name is barely recognized by some people I used to EE with. But I am staying in it for the long haul, cause thanks to these guys. I can't go back to Just hitting EBs anymore.
  11. I'm an eb fairy who comes out to pvp for events. Once the event is over I will return to eb and don't get why anyone I hit during the event would want to continue afterwards.

    There care no rewards on offer so no point 
  12. Awww Yoshi :eek: there you are!!! Its Larry :geek:
  13. It is funny to see so many players using this event as an opportunity to hit players that they normally wouldn't hit for fear of getting stripped. However, this pvp event is mild compared to the total mayhem that was the shard event. Now that was fun 
  14. Im always an eb fairy.

    Go Trophy LB!!
  15. Larry!!!
    Wait, you can talk now o.o
    And yeah.. you are an eb fairy... :p
  16. Hit me and I will hit you back. Hit me excessively and I will return the favor. Osw or not. That's what it's all about lol
  17. Only been silenced 13x of course I can talk :lol:

    And duh
  18. No support
  19. Dammmnnn well the escalted