in event or not?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlllIilI_MR_MAGOO_lllIIlll, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. So what? You're expecting people in osw shouldn't have the right to pvp for a event? They are getting rewards for something they are good at and love doing. No doubt after event you'll go back to hitting endless hte. Those whom are in osw will carry on hitting other accounts straight after.

    Anyways I said you should resect the banner, never did I say you shouldn't be hitting just. If you choose to hit then accept the consequence of your actions.
  2. people in Osw already do hit HTE how do you think them huge strips come about? this is not 2009 it's 2015. people in osw do have the right to pvp in an event but it's on the system it is completely separate from there off system war (which I might add is not pvp and is multiple accounts hitting targets eb and pvp orientated) not that that's a bad thing but PvP is a completely different ball game to osw and timing is much more critical.
  3. someone understands lol
  4. Osw clan do hte but do I see them doing it during osw? No, but unlike you they will carry on performing in a osw hitting others, while you run back to your hte, possibly crying about how you've been thrown in a ca for hitting them during the pvp event.

    But I need not say anything, since you clearly have no idea what osw involves :roll: and you can not understand what I'm posting.

    I'm gonna enjoy reading the many cf threads to come gonna have to stock up on extra popcorn :cool:
  5. Iv'e been in many osws and even started a few which to be honest was in being a straight up noob I have also partook in many pvps failures and successes along the way my list is long, I do not know your's so I cannot comment. but if you knew pvp and osw and solidly partook then you would know what I am talking about rather than sounding like bandwagoner. PvP is not simply smacking players day on end you will quickly burn out that way this is not command and conquer this is a war of chess right move at the right time. a player hit's me all my waking and sleeping hours it will not effect me I'll be prepared for them hit's I'll also be able to gather my own data on them hits such as any differences in his sleeping pattern to his TZ from this I can then pin them every waking hour of there time leaving minimal time as possible to retaliate. then they sleep I strip it is PvP so I'll need either many alts or like any average kawer a huge window in order to strip as much as I can even then it is still a risk he could wake up. In osw this is all irrelevant and it becomes a much more broader strategy, more organisation involved also but the window to strip can be anywhere from a few hours to a few minutes and depending on the size of the clan or alliance the target can be cleaned in that time.

    OSW involves focus on a clan and nothing else PvP both involve more tactics than just "hitting" alone and there is more than what I know only the people who organise and decide who does what partake in an osw the rest are just the weapons they use to exact it
  6. Muahh. You unknowingly helped strip me so Ill be back to you but I whole heartedly agree with you atm <3

    Three quick things.

    1. These banners will be the reason you get farmed after the event. Then we'll see how many want "PvP" :roll:
    2. I havent hit an EB in forever much less an HTE. Try again
    3. Osw came first. Outside hits are merely an annoyance. If you have the balls to hit someone you never would and yell pvp event, by all means. Youll be dealt with when you can no longer use that excuse.
  7. This. My banner has been the same for the past few days. I welcome outside hits but if you unload on me, I'll come for you when I'm not otherwise engaged. Was the same thing with the last pvp event lol. One dude sat on me for a couple days, stripped him of 2 trill 2 weeks later. All about respect. You respect me, I'll respect you
  8. Lolwut

    I haven't hit an eb since this osw has started, and I think we have run a total of 2 ebs since it has started. Where you come up with osw is not pvp, I'll never know
  9. Oli, you confused as me or ...?
  10. Think you'll be having to fight to get a few hits on me after event :? I kinda have annoyed a few people during this event :lol: mostly cos of my constant pin.

    But I await for your love taps I do accept all hits in return and the consequences that follows from my actions during this event, either after the event, or your osw. Which ever you choose :D <3
  11. So before event, zaft "never hits" Apoc. But now all of a sudden they are preoccupied?
  12. I got next to no inc before event and during i have gotten more, Guess they needed an event to actually back up their osw claims.
  14. I understand your confusion.

    We actually attack/steal/assassinate the other players. I know right it's a crazy concept, try it someday.
  15. I'm not a black hand member but okay.
  16. Imo if you cast the spell for the event then you're fair game. However if you excessively farm someone during it, don't cry when you get farmed after it.

    Unless it's my Osw opponents I tend to stick to normal BL unwritten rules, and welcome others hitting but that's just my view on it

    JB 
  17. There are no rules to the BL. Each individual makes their own.
  18. Thats why I said unwritten

    The usual more than 5 hits is farming etc

    It's a standard understanding throughout kaw. Each to their own though, those who cast and those who excessively hit have no cause to yap about it if they're hit hard back.
  19. by your logic oli someone who sporadically aims inc at a few people and contributes to some strips while waiting out the length of the osw will suddenly become a PvP badass and as you say "go back to their ebs" how is that any different from the supposed eb noobs playing this event and going back to there ebs?

    don't get me wrong these clans survive by being inclusive and it's a good model to have variety but you can't label everyone under the same bracket just through the actions of a clan
  20. I've sat on people during this event, I've used BL, I've used my NF, I've used my wall and my pm. I hit friends, enemies and folk I don't know.

    It's an event based around hitting people so anyone who joins and then cries about getting hit, be it once or unloaded on day after day, is stupid and should stick to eb as clearly they aren't cut out for this type of kaw.

    I've had a few clan threats during the event and all it shows is the one making the threats is out of their depth and needs to hide behind their clan.