in event or not?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlllIilI_MR_MAGOO_lllIIlll, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. Check your newsfeed sir haha  nope I've left nothing
  2. I believe the event fairy "PvP" community are not interpreting correctly.

    For example, you hit me. No. I will not hit you

    Right now.

    OSW > Event.

    Trust me when I say itll be returned and itll be returned with many tears. These threads will become "It was just an event" threads.

    Just not yet. You wait. Osw is my priority. Then ill deal with you runts.

    This is what most of the OSW banners mean. At least the true PvPers. We play for this stuff.
  3. I love the people who's banners say in osw do not hit yet their clan puts you the CA because you pay a lot of favors.
  4. Idiot. It won't be just the Person who got inc dealing with them, it'll be your whole damn family.  we aren't stupid.
  5. Yup I've had no issues with majority of people cast anymore and most are in one osw or the other. There is still a few though I've hit that put your name on their wall to save for after they are comfortable and have a bored family to jump in on you. Ex knight_kratos although I wouldn't be surprised if I was on other said walls I haven't seen. They just assume everyone not in their osw ATM are "fairies" who will cry when jumped later on. No doubt they will eventually show you how "badass" they are so just accept that your allies are already gone and enjoy the event. Don't let these jackasses ruin your fun anymore, they chose to cast.
  7. Apparently you are if you simply assume like that.
  8. And you chose to be hit.
  9. Many tears  oh no I'm so very very sorry 
  10. Eclipse hb St no :22 
  11. The amount of stupidity it requires to opt-in to a pvp event where everyone is competing individually for rewards gained from pvp while you are in an OSW, then complain to/threaten people who hit you is just astonishing.

    I just ignore the chest beating and silly OSW banners and continue to enjoy the event. Can't be too serious about your OSW if you opted in, knowing you'd get random hits; or did you expect everyone to be afraid of your mighty banner?

    They do that so they can try to scare people into not hitting them as they farm away trying to make event LB and pretending they are only hitting those involved in the OSW.

    This ofc does not apply to all but it certainly applies to many.

    I was asked not to hit a certain clan who's in OSW by a friend and hit before reading PM. I followed the guy I hit to appologize & he told me no need to appologize or stop hitting; it's a pvp event. I thought that was pretty cool especially since he is a mod. Some mods are always on a power trip.

    I'd name him but not sure he wants to be named.

    Anyways, don't opt-in if you don't want outside hits involved in your OSW.
  12. So here's the thing...

    We have a PvP event, but PvP exists outside of an event 24/7 and people dont grasp that

    What is annoying is the amount of people hiding behind an event to use it as an excuse to farm people and sit on people for days - people they wouldnt even look or sniff at outside an event. Regular hits arent an issue - but you throw 160 hits on one person in a two hour period - that is not in the spirit of an event- that as farming and using the event and our osw as a cover

    So yes your hits will be remembered and if my members want to come pay you a visit after osw, dont say you werent warned

    oh and if your name appears in the newsfeed of someone getting stripped and you were helping with steals - dont say you werent warned

    As always in PvP - you chose to hit, you chose to deal with possible repercussions.

    But the choice is always yours
  13. 160 hits? don't lie vix that's a terrible exaggeration I made a KotFE wall early on and received return hits even. While I don't count out 5 hits I don't unload even a single FB on one person at a time that hasn't been on me for hours. Many of your members cast participate in my nf unprovoked so basically as long as it's your clans they can pick and choose to hit outside osw? Lmao buncha hypocritical crap. "It's your choice" to make these claims/statements in public view even if they are false.️
  14. I see it like this, if thats how they want to roll then thats how they are gonna roll. Want to walk away from this event without any need for worry then move along when you come across those with such banners.

    To those who are seriously going to follow through with said threats, just consider that this is only our 2nd pvp event and yall are already giving people reasons to not participate next time. Less participation, less reason for there to be pvp events.

    but do what you're gonna do.
  15. apologies for not referring to your particular experience, but yes ive had members heavily sat on during this event, with people openly laughing that as we are focussed on targets - there is nothing we can do about it. and yes one member recieved 160 actions from one person in two hours - including scouts and assassinations

    their excuse "its a PvP event"

    So while some play nicely - others dont and it wouldnt be acceptable outside the event ans wont be during the event
  16. Why does KotFE feel the need to complain about inc if many members are constantly running their mouth in WC claiming they would love some hits since zaft fails to provide??
  17. If osw clans have osw banners on then you should respect that, move on and find another target. If you have ever been in a osw then you would not be saying that.

    Only time you should react is if they started hits on you first. If they have a banner explaining they are osw, then you will have been warned not to hit them.
  18. two things with this

    Vix's point is right people who use the event as an excuse to hit a player they dislike in a major alliance and sit on them for days on end is not really in the spirit of the event, it is but it's also asking for a retaliation.

    secondly there are some idiots in these alliances but I doubt they would be able to just drop people in CA just like that especially not during an osw from past experience and forum posts too most CA worthy events break down to a miscommunication rather than the farming itself. even then what players do is up to themselves morale code in this game is optional because in actuality there are no consequences worthy of creating any particular issue unless a few pixels really do matter to you.

    I believe the source of the issue is unruly players but also a lack of clear context and a minority which kotfe or any clan in osw probably don't endorse but there omnipresent eye just cannot see. so if you want your equipment have fun, go wild but if you are not looking for a genuine PvP then don't focus your favour hunt on one account in osw.
  19. if they don't wish to be hit they can give the event a miss. you don't even need to be an experienced kawer to know that if you have an account or assets worth protecting you don't make it known let alone put up a bright orange "hit me" sign
  20. There are no rules, we are all opted in.
    If you come across a warning banner and proceed, accept the repercussions of your actions.