This would also provide another insentive to gain cs, assuming that the gold earned from being hired is significant enough. Edit: Support
Support. I remember when I joined and 1m gold was a lot to me :') But yeah, I feel like as you get hired more the cap shouldn't be at 1m. That's a very outdated number, considering how much it takes to BC.
This is probably the best support answer I read so far. It is true, in deed, that a few years ago 1m gold allowed us to get into the average stats easier since people with my current stats were considered big hitters. Overall stats and EB tiers have grown creating some sort of inflation where the game demands you to earn more gold but with little to no help in the early stages. The struggle new players get to grow and change the typical Recko/Origins EBs is big and earning more with hires may allow this early game phase end faster and absorb new players into the game more.
Tremendously well thought out and spoken. I am a person that enjoys facts and numbers and you impressed me. I'll support this simply based off the presentation, not just the help it'll give.
Let's do some maths: Every time you get hired before you're 256mil or so you get .00395 (plus or minus about .00003) of your value. Extrapolating, a volley to 20bil (removing the1mil cap) means you make 1.71bil, to 100bil, 8.56bil, and to top lb 25T (after 253tril value you make a tril per hire) Lifting the cap alone doesn't do a whole lot - even if you lift it to 1bil per hire you still would only make 20.6bil if vollied to 250bil. I'd change the rate - bump it to .02% of value and cap it at 1bil per hire - a volley of a new player to 100bil would give them enough to T3 complete lowlands, bumping them into Haunts almost immediately. If you were vollied to a tril you'd make 82bil total, if to current value LB levels 200bil - a relatively paltry sum considering sizes of kingdoms at those levels. Sure it adds to inflation but considering lb clans are figuratively pulling 9T plus out of apherium's ass every 20 minutes it's not much. It also immediately bumps new players to what is (for most clans) minimal acceptable EBs (aka Haunts) - so they'd be in the more active and social clan as opposed to the T4 and below death knells that are subs.
It will bring more gold, however in the grand scheme of KaW it's a relatively small amount and, more importantly, if it can increase our retention of new players it's worth it
Please Purge all of the accounts that have been abandoned, I remember seeing a message from Kaw about 3 yrs ago that my ally was being deleted, plus I got a % of the Hire price. There are too many abandoned accounts floating around
Bump for ATA_Charlie. Also, i'm going to run the numbers again later for higher caps and an unlimited cap so we can better determine if a cap is still needed and if so what an appropriate level might be. This change would increase the amount of gold in the game. Increasing the money supply is not by itself 'inflationary' because new players spend their gold immediately on upgrades and new buildings (its a hard challenge explaining max plunder and getting them to buy sufficient allies!). There is a lot more gold in the game now as a result of the new lands and the increased event rewards. Plus the community are asking for new ebs, clan plunder bonuses, more rewarding pvp...The increases from this proposal are a drop in the ocean compared to that. Instead 'inflation' is manifested when there are not enough game sinks. When a player is build complete the only sink available is buying allies, which is why the ally market is always inflating.
At begin of Kaw Quests pay gold or hitting inaktive Player. There were lists in Clan Channel to hit them.each pot was expensive that time.Big Hansel or pure Spy terrorize 1 clan. And all looked to pin him. Sometimes i think the past was more wargame and not eb/hire allie market.