Improving Moderator and Community Relationships

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. Eagle is a kewl mod very helpful indeed lol
    Thx Devs for explanation. I miss moose though
  2. So KAW admin, any replies?? I haven't seen you address any of the feedback questions in this post.
    What is this? Lip service to calm the uproar over the mass walk out of MODS?
    Fishy ......
    Usually you guys are all over it in reply etc.
  3. Kaw admins, seriously, if I saw your line drawings on the apple store app description you have now, I would ever have loaded this app. Do yourself a favor and put up the old stuff.
  4. Seems to me kaw_admin explaining stuff moose tried to explain while he cared for us? Or to calm the community?

    How's OUR feedbacks? Zzzz just care about their pay not our game experience
  5. Here's my position. No glass or malice in this.

    Devs. The retrospective reactionary stuff needs to stop. You have a management issue.

    You have a great game. Loads of innovative changes, and a rawness with new ideas/concepts that is really quite remarkable.

    But you really need to work on stopping the hemorrhage before it begins rather than letting the patient bleed out and then mouthing 'we hear you' statements and other such nonsense after the damage has been done.

    Couple of examples, and for mine, while seemingly unrelated, I believe that they actually march in lock step. Bear with me here:

    EE is released. It's actually brilliant. But there's a barrier to entry. People are jaded. They're conditioned to EB. Despite this, people are enthusiastic. Good work. It's a win.

    But there are issues with lag, match ups etc. people are still pretty tolerant at this stage... Until the tower build roots everything. A few trail blazers already were taking advantage of this before EE. Kudos. But in a structured environment of EE, it knackers gameplay.

    The call to action is obvious. But the devs ignore until a few strong people move against the fad. Devs sit on their hands while clan after clan drops from EE. They react long after atrophy has set in.

    The result. Match ups are harder because whole clans have thrown their hands in the air and have given up. Less participation. So now the devs have a HARDER development job making a good match up system. If they maintained the groundswell instead of listening to a few powerful smacktard towerbuilds, EE wouldn't be such a debacle now.

    And in a strange, but no so strange way, the current Mod debacle is also linked. How so?

    EE is clearly taking significantly for support and dev calories than any other previous initiative released previously. But, they're onto a good thing, so it worth the calories right? But that means all the bitching about getting silenced is just too difficult.

    Easy, water down the capabilities of mods and then there will be less escalation issues. Easy. Except its not. You munt the capability of the mods and what happens. Well, they leave. En masse. No biggie. Plenty of fish in the sea, right? Wrong.

    I don't need to be a fan of any of the mods that have stood down to realise that when they start to leave in droves, that EVERYONE has a big problem.

    It's actually kind of irrelevant whether eagle delphin blah blah are good bad mediocre or brilliant.

    Yet again, you have thrown the baby out with the bath water. Stop enacting the retarded ideas of data analysts and college graduates.

    Listen to the people that put food on the table. Not just the peeps that buy xstals, but everyone that plays this game. You have a management and a cultural problem. Fix it and start acting. Get back to your roots. That doesn't mean bringing back the old KaW. What it does mean, is listening like you used to. Maybe a C'level needs to see this...
  6. @ Doctrinaire... Your argument for Eagle can be turned against you. Many had never heard Eagle's name before he was made mod. Also there have been several successful mods who had low stats. Stats don't always tell the whole story and since we aren't privy to the selection process, we'll never know what made the devs choose one person over another ( unless it was a TZ issue). Lastly, I don't believe I've seen YOUR name before but that doesn't mean you might not be a good mod. Good luck the next time devs are "handing mod out". ( no negativity there ).
  7. I disagree. Low stat mods largely haven't been successful. 'You need to walk a mile, to know how long a mile is..'
  8. you admins make me laugh, tbh though i think there needs to be more involement from mods to players and allow us players the ability to give consideration to new upcoming mods get the players once again involved in kaw, myself i have been playing awhile and now i dont even want to play anymore its become stagnet and boreing, most of all its BROKEN!!! Insted of giving us new gear we have to pay outragous mith for give us more lands more buildings, smaller items for new players doing low ebs t1-3 give us affordable new buildings with a way to be more personal with our builds. You know whats builds players do same ones as everyone else there sadly is no room for big boy steps why the baby steps. Ok im good troll away
  9. I see this post as too little too late.

    You already screwed things up without any community involvement and lost some of the best mods this game has ever seen. And appointed Eagle who can barely string together a sentence, was overwhelmingly opposed by your mod team, and who is now silencing people for spamming WC when your system doesn't even let players spam WC.

    You are being hit with a barrage of emails and now when the damage is done, now you say you're going to listen and care. I'm sure we'll all be getting another 'please rate this game' message after you begin to pick up the pieces and do something that will slightly please us.

    I love this game, I have been playing it nearly three years. But this regression of late is really disconcerting for us and unfitting for you and your product.

    That's great you say you are now listening. It was hard to tell before. But this thread is merely words. Until I see some action and real positive changes in your customer service and in-game representation, I will continue to not make any purchases and I'm sure many feel this way.

    We as players can have an impact, it just requires a little action. Looks like our emails, boycott, and feedback have made a big enough ripple to be noticed and addressed. We can't complain if we don't do anything to help the situation ourselves.
  10. @ambermoon...

    I was simply stating that I knew him and he is someone that you can trust as mod and he knows the game well. So don't judge just because you don't know him. You don't know me but I've been playing for a year and 8 months and know a fair amount about the game, but will admit that I lack good war strategies and want to get better.

    As for Delphin, I was simply basing it on the fact that based on stats, Delphin appears relatively new. And apologize for not knowing that they have been a mod for how ever long.

    But a mod will be respected more if I have seen them before and have higher stats (which I see as they have played a while and know the game).
  11. Delphin has been here a long time.
  12. As for my comment on being a better mod, I have no intentions to apply for moderator at any point in the game. Was just trying to make a point.
  13. Yah delphin was here long ago. Just was inactive for a while too.
  14. Ah that may explain it. The name does sound vaguely familiar, but I'm probably thinking of someone in FC
  15. Bring Corinthian Back! He will solve it all.
  16. Thanks for that, I was clueless for a while.
  17. Sad that some resigned because you guys didn't listen to there suggestions
  18. Support to Cheese, DarkMachine n Cyn's posts
    Well Said guys 