Anyone that has ever owned a clan will appreciate how hard that job is, you don't get to enjoy the game as much as your members and the pressure to keep it all together is huge. Being a moderator must be much more difficult and time consuming. A moderator that is offering up their time for free to help and aid all members of the Community should be applauded, and just as the devs have commented they should be a unified unit working and supporting each other not attacking each other or proffering different opinions in public. Might not do any harm to shake that little band of enforcers up a bit. Support to ATA
Thanks admin everything I read made perfect sense to me so I guess all the recent drama was just one big misunderstanding after another lol go figure, but thanks again for the explanation!
@kawadmin perhaps you should put the spam rule in the top bar of world chat. You know, the one that scrolls and costs 26 speakers to write in. That way people won't have an excuse.
Quick tip, if solidarity amongst the mods is something you focus on, then appointing a new moderator that the majority of current mods are against is a seriously strange move. The time zone argument is strange, you have a world wide player base and a great amount of people wanting to be mods. If its true that only one mod voted yes, then you could have easily picked a candidate that a larger portion of your current mods would find more suitable. This whole strict enforcement of mods not attacking each other is kinda amusing, considering that you don't care much about mods making personal attacks on players, or just generally not following the tou. Oh and if you want better communication between yourself, the moderators and the community, a good start would be to only appoint moderators with the ability to communicate clearly in written English. I don't care if a random player isn't able to, obiously people from all around the world aren't all gonna speak and write english fluently,but if I contact a moderator it's pretty vital that you can have a conversation without having to second guess what they are trying to say.
And wow... What's wrong with the devs...? Delphin's a mod? Just because someone's popular, old, and witty doesn't give them the job, however good they may or may not be at it...
2 points I'll make here. First the mith items. Just release them. Stop wasting our time with these silly naming and choosing of items. I get it that you devs want to give us the illusion of choice and control of this game.. Just release the toys already and let us choose to buy or not. Second the matchup. Keep your clan sign up for the ewars, but add a sign up for individual players to join regardless of their clan. When clan matchups are done, use the individual players to even out the matchups further. Have these ind. Players be placed into short handed clans automatically as in summer wars. This will give more players the opportunity to participate and make these wars more balanced. Remember nobody xstals on either side when it's going to be a slaughter. It's a win win situation. Also let the ind. Players keep the edge when they return to their own clan. Just do it Thank you
Better late than never with the explanations kaw-admin. Lets hope ur new mod choices have a good grasp of game mechanics.
Any of you that have some reason for disagreeing on why Eagle was given mod obviously don't know him. I've known him for a while and know that he is great and well deserved the mod promotion. He applied a while ago mind you. I congrad. him for it, and dis anyone who thinks otherwise.
Oh and who is this new mod Delphin? Just handing them out anyone because based on their stats they are a bit new to the game. I don't know though, but for that matter I would have been a better option given that I had applied for mod.
Good job BS'ing the attempt at damage control. You do what you can to make the game better for the people who pay their way through this game and for the noobs. I didn't need pwars or epic battles, or the rules to no longer be punishments but taps on the wrists. It seems like y'all devs don't give a **** about making the game better for everybody, but making it easier for people to get through and spend money. We didn't have equipment to help us back then. It aids the people who pay. It seems like none of y'all really care about the game anymore, but about your pay. You add all these things that the hardworkers have to work hard to get, the noobs start with, and the paying people pay to get the bonuses. Y'all guys sold out. -Mesco
A note on my last comment. I have just never seen the name Delphin, so just to avoid any negativity on that.
Kaw_Admin you speak about improving relationships well excuse my abruptness but for over 80 Hours i have still received no reply or any NOT ONE EMAIL OR FEEDBACK that is pretty saddening right their honestly are you guys falling apart At ATA up their cause litterally this is mad and i mean mad
And yes I would agree, just release all the new equip already so we can chose what we want to make up our equip selection, instead of buying what item would help us now, then release a better one and regret buying it in the first place. Also as I have previously stated, please consider changing the mith sales to the original way with one addition, limit the max you can purchase in one day to say 16-20. And take down the dumb 6 limit thing.
Yeah KaW, let the EB noobs just buy the war equipment. Oh, and Delphin's been here longer than you...
Suggestion for silencing: instead of blocking silenced users from posting in WC, why not increase the speakers needed to post temporarily to discourage them from spamming; so they can still post but less likely to spam... Just a thought