All the other successful mmorpg apps have multiple servers. In new servers new players are highly valued and the games full pf newb clans that are active. Since yall dont like that idea im proposing the next best thing. The best tutorial in the world wont make people like a game any better. Their not leaving bc they can't figure it out. Their leaving bc the clans they get into are terrible and they get bored
The tutorial is honestly the worst aspect of the newbie player's introduction to the game. It shows them what exactly? How to buy land and buildings How to buy an ally and how it will give you a small amount of gold on rehire. How to hit quests and how to hit someone on the battle list. The issue is that this tutorial is outdated and perhaps they could also add an example on how to hit a dummy epic battle which explains the basics of them. Explaining ally plunder is hard for a tutorial to do properly but it could be pushed in there somewhere. If not in the tutorial itself the tutorial could mention to you a few topics that you should look into or ask for help on in world chat. This would then at least give them a basic overview and straight away get them trying to communicate with other players which is what makes this game so great.
I suggested this a couple years back, but I think an official developer/moderator/vk run clan to help new players learn wou do be beneficial. New players would be placed in these clans for a couple of weeks, with hundreds in each clan activity and making of friends could keep them around. Once they reach 14 days as an account they are able to look for there own clan and family. Problem is I doubt this would work well considering, mods and VKs are regular players, but I woke to see any problem with the devs running it, especially with all the new dev accounts coming out.
False lethal, my first clan (shout out to Crazy Demons) didn't come for ages. The first few weeks of kaw were mainly me hitting quests for money because I had no idea what to do. The only reason I stayed was because my brother convinced me to keep it.
You're honestly right too. Issue is, can't expect players to dig super helpful threads like these on there own: Homes for new players Something like this should be directed to them automatically. Like you said, if they can't figure it out, they get bored. The developers should take a point or two from this thread, it's all sound. It's in the best interest's for future players.
Unfortunately chaos, you and I both know they rarely listen to even mods, let alone 'normal' players. Bottom line, we can tell them how to improve it all day long, but they won't get off their online bank accounts to do it, after all, it doesn't give an instant payout.
It tells you to join a clan in the "tip of the day" pop up as a new player. Why would you be clanless for that long? Thing is you can have a brilliant idea but if your not part of the little in crowd on these forums you will get 0 support. A well liked forumer can post lets feed new players turd sammies and it will get 10 pages of support. Hopefully if they ever buy into a new server it will have a seperate forum. Since retuning to game the forum crowd ive noticed has really hit rock bottom while i was gone. Not talking about this thread, these are pretty good suggestions from op. Just forums in general
Mixed feelings, but you do have candor in these points. What I've come to learn: The idea with F2P games is to focus on retention the most, as that will be your main source of profit. You need to do your best to keep players wanting more and coming back, since that will boost word-of-mouth advertising, which is free, and improve the trustworthiness of your game. You can improve customer retention by offering meaningful updates that provide the game with more content (free content, of course), holding themed events, and giving users the chance to win bundles (hard in-game currency, special items, power-ups, etc.) every once in a while. This begs the question, should we bring back the referral program?
Why not? I don't remember it I'm afraid, so I don't know why it was stopped, or even what it entailed, but I know the gist from many, many online games over the past 15 years or so. I've got to say, along with another of my favourite ever games, KAW is absolutely terrible at advertising and retention.
I do understand it. I play a game that has a stupid amount of servers. And it is a bandaid solution. What's the point of a bunch of servers that will eventually have the problems you were trying to side step in the original one? Doesn't achieve anything. Address problems in this one first then think about expanding. Good idea. Though like you said, they're real players too. It's like we need a specialised knowledgeable team that it's only focus is to help new players. Automatically putting them in a clan would be helpful. Maybe instead of a dev run clan or something, the tutorial could include that you should join a clan and present players with a list of possible ones and they pick one. This list has to be kept up to date though, or they'll be applying to dead clans.
If multi server is a bandaid solution then why are the games using them so successful and have thousandsof new players flooding in every week?
Did I discredit the success of others games? No. In MY opinion, it won't work for KaW. It's a six year old game. One of the biggest parts of the game is a social aspect. I've yet to play another game quite like KaW. The cost to BC is massive, inflation is ridiculous, ally market prices are a joke, devs barely push new content. All your other server games are like that, are they? This would have virtually been a multi server game from the beginning if devs wanted it too. All new players will go straight to the new server. That'll eventually kill this one off. So we'll merge into that one. Then we keep opening and opening servers? Why not try to fix the problems in this server first?! That's the whole point of this thread: player retention. There are improvements that the devs could try BEFORE even thinking of a new server. Tbh, I think a new server would be a last resort. If they try some new things and it doesn't work then maybe look at a new server. Like I've said, it may be plausible one day. Or it might even have been in the past, but it isn't now in MY opinion. I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree. I'd much rather see them put in their efforts here first.
Ya but problem is none of this will work, main reason people leave is two reasons, the 6 year headstart they see in other players, thats why new potential spenders leave. And two bc the dead clans they have to endure to grow. New servers easily fix one, and they also fix two bc newb clans are abundant and very active in new servers for atleast a year or two before the power gap weeds them out
How about a mentor scheme. Active experienced players get assigned noobs. Obviously you would opt in to this but how hard would it be to make a mentor list along side battle list? I see many ppl in forums who seem to care enough to volunteer for something like this.
Oh none of it will work? Considering devs haven't tried much, we can't really know that. Why do you think players have suggested there be 'special' clans for new players? With the intent of helping them grow? Or a new tutorial? Better ally hire? Give them an ally? Automatic entry into a new clan? The point is, not a great deal has been tried in the way of retention. If devs can't be bothered with that, they won't be bothered with a new server. Great idea, Fred!! That would be really handy. I'd love to see that trialled out.
Lots of great stuff here, but I'm afraid it falls on deaf ears. I only continue to play because I have made many good friends in this game. If you want to see an example of a long term player that doesn't buy in to KaW check me out. I have the Original Pro Packs when I was excited to get this journey jump started, but beyond that I can't justify spending cash. Coming up on 6 years and not even 1/4 of the stats of KaW Dev Cash Cows. Definitely start with the early content with this game. After that, people will stay for the cc and wc, but mostly for the friendships that form theough instruction, mentorship, and wars (as broken as they are). Ser Still tappin', but noticeably less than before...