Improving Early Player Progression

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Chaos, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. Yeah good idea, that's prolly easier to implement too
  2. The whole multi server idea is horrible I want to be able to hit anyone and everyone. Being in a diff server is just a method of wimps getting protection

  3. This really has nothing to do with the issue at hand. New players are not leaving bc their getting farmed or cant compete in war. They are leaving bc the new player side of this game is absolutely horrible
  4. News flash you can't hit new accounts anyway.

    God u say the dumbest things, how old are you?
  5. Pretty sure the whole point was so that new accounts can grow, besides I have smaller alts if needed. Try to be less narrow minded, not everyone should be rewarded for dropping build to hit smalls

  6. No you are completely missing the point bc you have the iq of a rock...Has nothing to do with new players getting hit. Has to do with new players leaving bc the new player community part of this game is terrible. Did you even read last couple pages?
  7. I agree the lands dropping price will help new players as well as increased EB payouts .Maybe new players could receive tips to play as a notification on startup .Maybe do same idea for EE new warriors .At least help to keep people playing and investing in the game ATA rather than hoping they do.
  8. No, Im not OP's alt

    I agree it should be easier for the new players, there are way too many that quit soon after starting because they either cant find help or they dont know where to look for help.
    I dont mind telling someone to read forums, but I look at Forums and tell them how to get to the subject they want.
    Whatever happened to the Valiant Knight people? I never see one around, I have been playing this for a bit and still have not had one come around to see if I have questions.
    Valiant Knights should either pay more attention to New Vollies in WC and tell those people to ask them if they have questions, how is that so hard?
    When I saw a Valiant Knight the last time I played from a diff account I asked them if they introduced themselves and/or followed new players to guide them. The answer was no, he said if they dont ask, he cant tell them. OK, so what are they supposed to ask if they just started the game and know nothing about it?

    Another add......Players should get an increase in hiring gold. Being new it is very nice to get a mill per hire, when I get into Million cs It would be better to increase, those that are beyond reasonable builds should even get one IF they are hired. Do you really think they care about a mill coming to them when they make millions per hit on battle list or pvp? Everyone should benefit from upgrading.
    Million per hire until 1 Million CS
    5 Million per hire between 1-5 Million CS
    You can see where it goes.......maybe up to 1 Billion per hire for the huge stats.
  9. You sir, are correct.

    Here's one thing 99.9% of the player base doesnt understand though, the developer team may be brilliant at the designing perspective, but they themselves do not always know the in's and out's of gameplay as experienced players do. That is one of the reasons why the moderator program exists.

    Volleying players is the single most important feature in this game AND other ata products such as party in my dorm for new players. I cannot exhaust this point enough to the dev team. While small lump sum at this time considering sheer distribution per hire, those funds generated while volleying are one of the single most important aspects of the new player experience. It's critical they extend the parameters to benefit the new generation of kawer.
  10. 5% of your hire value would be better.. Not quite high enough to be abused much, but much better for new players
  11. Player retention is related to a small number of things in my opinion, and those are these (not in any specific order):
    • Starter Tutorial
    • Starting Gold/Upgrade Progression
    • Allies
    • Perspective View of End Game Build

    All of these things need addressed, and devs have done work on it in the past, however with the increased BC Cost/CS, players perspective on growing to a build a million times their size, it's kinda hard to imagine yourself getting there some day.

    I think devs need to adjust build cost, and the initial gold you get when you start playing, as well as introducing NPC allies that are client side that run off a random ally market (server may buy back NPC at random times).
  12. I would like to see the older ebs get buffed as in plunder some. I feel like new players can't do much in b2b t1-t4 clans anymore, other than learn basic eb mechanics.

    So increasing plunder in ebs by say 25% I think would help tremendously for new player growth.
  13. Agreed with Sethosaurus_ and Snoopy.

    Let's not forget how easy it is to miss key and vital aspects such as max plunder as well.

    These things are pivotal and so easy to overlook.
  14. I agree and disagree at the same time, they've already raised then 50% from their original plunder :/
  15. Needs KAW credit card offer when start playing KAW
  16. Why not skip all these round about ways of getting new players gold and just actually give them gold? Start new accounts with say 10-20 bil, enough to help a new player tremendously but not enough to exploit with. I mean how are u gonna exploit 20 bil ally hires? Youd make more hitting a haunt in the same time frame it would take to create an alt and higher an ally

    Throw in a quick tutorial that makes them build with the gold so they dont blow it on pots or something stupid not knowing any better

    Get rid of the first two tiers of buildings so they dont build those.

    Problem solved
  17. I wasn't aware, and I couldn't tell so that means they really should raise them a bit more. They sucked back when I was smaller, sure they still do plunder wise.
  18. Easy fix, add in an NPC ally that you can't hire, attach it to the new player grey spell and extend that spell for another week.
  19. All these suggestions are bandaid fixes. You can throw all the gold u want at new players they wont stay, its bc the game is dead at newb clan level. They quit bc they dont like it.

    If u want new players to stay you need stop doing stupid Valiant knights and crap and actually do something that will players. Have newb clans ran by alts of different old players. And i dont just mean a few players, like 15 alts per clan. New players need live active.clans with good cc...not more gold

    Have it be something you apply for like mod. Choose your best 10-15 active helpful experienced players. Give em all VK and put em running a trainer clan.. Now their VK has great meaning and honor if you did it.

    Once its full do it again with 10-15 more.
  20. Lethal, while your proposal may be the ideal solution - other even more successful social MMORPG do not depend on that. They unlock social features in later stages in the game in open world.

    What is lacking is a deeper and more professional and comprehensive modern tutorial to guide players of modern gameplay. That is what this game is lacking the most, from my standpoint.

    Have to teach players the in's and out's first.l, as you said mate. Word of mouth is ideal, but so is a deeper jump start.

    All we have at the present, is an assortment of guides in forums. Which alone, require too much effort for someone who just merely installed the app. Nobody should be expected to dig through the forums at first launch for basic game chemistry.