Depends if you feel growing from reset is worth the guarantee of the item or if you wanna stay big and roll the dice on the Epic Battle.
Why provide solutions wulf, devs obviously don't listen to customer base . How about this: wulf stop being ata's voice and let them answer (but we all know they won't)
Brian hit the nail on the head here, to level the playing field folks who went through the Resets, however many, should get their accumulated actions restored. That loss is not being compensated for with these changes, and should be. I sent this as Feedback last time ATA went after Resets, just beating a dead horse now I guess.
So... Do we keep the stat bonuses for our resets at least? Or are those takeaway from us too? Admittedly, I only did 3 resets. But I ground them all out.
They do listen. Major of feedback = I hate pWars --- Devs kill pWars Major feedback = People transferring gold makes it impossible to have legit OSW where strips have consequences and where people trade/sell accounts to get massive advantages over players who stay within the confines of the games intended ruleset. --- Devs kill gold transfers Major of feedback = New mechanics makes resetters a huge problem for everyone --- Devs fix resetting Now, maybe you don't like their method of fixing the problems the community sets forth. But this is why I encourage you to say "here is a problem - this is a way to fix it" and not "Here is a problem - you figure it out." Most feedback and suggestions are not constructive and simply demand change or point out a problem without offering a solution. Even this thread has VERY little in the way of "solutions" and is largely just people saying "This sucks" or at best "Yea there is a problem but this sucks"
The post by the great is spot on. I don't really care about these new re set accounts good luck catching us. I care about those that chose not to reset 2 years ago and got a lot larger than us resetters. Those players don't pull the trigger on the reset exploit cause they have too much to lose. But now.... They eb for a few days and get the same items I did with no real cost. No way their days of item hunting will offset that 2-3 month head start they got on the rest of us. Wish I had a this sucks do x to fix it but I still see it as only allow the perm items for resets so the huge lb players with no resets cant suddenly add more power but again doubt the devs will consider it.
Helpful_kaw_player#1 writes.... Instead of making such a drastic change with no warning, why do ata not give a notice period that reset bonuses will be stopping, giving as many people who want to reset (the cheating way) a chance to do so; even if the time period is a short window making it difficult to do so. After this period all reset bonuses should be NO LONGER AVAILABLE. there should be no alternative method to gain them. There are old items in the system (the orb for example) which some players have and some do not. No alternative method has been given to allow others to have it (the same as the amazon shield). With a notice period, anyone wanting the perm items can get them and the devs will have a designated timescale where they know that it is going to end. Would that not be a more diplomatic option?
Personally, I'm waiting for the Achievement bonuses before I give my view. By the way, what changes were made to war payout? I saw a thread by devs last night and I can't find it anymore.
Its a good start. However, advance notice burned the devs with the "money transfer" fix as seen by the "Hire value LB madness" Also, how much notice would you need when you can only do 1 reset a day :? I do support the "Make reset items an inactive item only available to people who reset in the past and not to future resetters" idea though.
Like I said, the window needn't be long. I only have 2 resets and I sure wouldn't be rushing to reset now for the full set. But I'd happily move on knowing that people who have never reset will never have the perm items I do have, just like I will never have the amazon shield because I'm not stupid enough to buy a kindle...
If they give bonuses to achievements like beta tester, or even all star wars, that could not be gotten later anyways, they should do so for reset bonuses also. Nor should they nerf those achievements. But if they believe in awarding long term players rather than bending them over, they wouldn't completely nerf resets either.