Tbh I still disagree with plea. Back in the day targets and haunt paid the same yet everyone still mindlessly smacked haunting. I don't think this ability to balance payouts for both sides of Kaw will make much difference in the gameplay style of most players. If anything it will drive more players from Kaw as the richer clans slaughter the weaker as they are able to buy more pleas; the resultantly larger target payout being huge motivation to farm harder. Sure tears and resets are fun, but I doubt it is in the developers' best interests. Unless there is also that infernal damn opt in spell... That being said , a gladiator blade would be ideal. It can be lost as soon as it is taken or created unless self-pinned, and invokes retaliation. Keep the minimal mith drop as motivator, but lessen the drop rate. BUT: If either of these are introduced permanently...what are they gonna use in next PVP event as motivation to spend
You feeling well Vixen? Why do you want players to PAY for PvP in a PvP based game. This is exactly what is wrong with this game. We have the right to ask for a better PvP payout after 4 years with these ridiculous stats and new lands and prices. Why do you feel the need to bring in MORE aspects of PAY to Play to this game that is already suffering from everything based around Paying your way to win. The developers need to give this for free. This game started as a PvP game and is still called kingdoms at War, which I guess means PvP. If you have to pay more $$s to get a little bit extra plunder in PvP, which frankly should have been increased by default with everyone suggesting was the right way to go, then it is time to delete this app. And then everyone goes 'support' on this without even thinking. It is these support messages that got us to this stage where a normal person has no way to get even half close to the top stats with all the Pay for this, Pay for that bull going on. For once let the devs improve PvP payout by us not having to pay for it, for Gods sake! So please Stop suggesting more ways to them where We have to pay our way to everything. This place is becoming a mindless circus of money bags!
......as if this OBVIOUS psychological tactic wasn't sad enough seeing when it happened...you actually use it for a damn reason. Toss away some money and not only your clan mates will thank you but all of WC will see your "generosity"...Fools supporting psychological attacks aimed at your wallets...Sad!. I think I hate you as a person vixen.
Nothing wrong with me I'm perfectly fine how bout you? Maybe u need to ask ur own question to ur self
TBH it is not about being an EB fairy. And there is no build as a noob build. Everyone is free to build their Kingdom the way they like it and with whatever capable means they have. Just because you have a few towers and EE equip doesn't make you a warrior. EE is just another way of playing this game and there is nothing to lose in that either. It is just a form of EB in which you hit the other player instead of an EB and get mith payout. So reserve your laughter and mockery for a good joke or something better. This is no place to call out anyone names based on their build or preference. The point people are making is very clear. If it escapes you then try to reason in a better way. I respect people who are into OSW and are looking for something to help them with increasing their payout for hitting other players. That truly makes sense as they are at a loss not being able to make as much gold for participating in what this game is designed for, that is PvP. And neither am I posting from a starless alt because what I am saying is truly a pain point, so no need to call anyone names. My reasoning is very clear. Apart from the rich folks in OSW who can still run PvHTE and grow, the rest of the guys and girls are at a loss. They aren't growing as there aren't many EBs to help them being in an OSW. You are constantly hitting targets regen after regen and what do you get paid for that, barely anything to help you grow. Add to it the stupid Tax devs have implemented when you bank in pots or bars. It's a loss in every way. And there we are trying to promote PvP in a game that is meant to be based around PvP. It is really ironic and a demoralising issue. If you are promoting PvP in a WAR game by asking players to pay more to be able to do PvP then there is something wrong with your think tank that you are paying monthly salaries to have ended up in such a situation. Why do you see people running to EBs and not PvP. Because PvP does not pay you anything. You will grow at a snails pace. Should that be happening in a war game? No! Increase the PvP payout. Drop some mith, Aqua, inferno to help people who are keeping the War aspect of this game alive. Give them a chance to be able to grow outside the EB environment. Is that asking for too much. I don't think so. Should you have to pay to get spells to increase PvP payout. Then everything here is Pay to Play. No one says we want to get to LB stats by doing PvP. But there should be some incentive to people to at least have a realistic chance at getting somewhere in stats if they are into PvP. People like you who come here and mock others for playing in a certain way is what makes them stay away from the PvP aspect. In fear of getting laughed at they do not come out with their doubts and issues and how to learn to PvP. You are no warriors either by doing EE and getting that shiny mith equip. What are you losing in that? You don't get stripped, you don't lose hard earned gold, nothing at all. It is a planned PvP just like an EB run for 1-2 hours. Stop acting like you are an OSW veteran because you do EE wars. Help others for once by not laughing at the way they play. If people are open minded and willing to help. And if the devs increase the benefits of doing PvP then you will see more people get into this aspect of the game. Laughing at them and asking them to Pay to get a little more gold on PvP will not win you anything. That is what we are trying to tell the OP and the Devs. You want to keep PvP alive then offer something to people who do PvP. Don't make everything run with $$s. Hope this can get through to some of you who like to laugh at the way others play and build their kingdoms. If not then, at least I tried.