Imperial Plea - Permanent Feature

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Tell me one time in this game when PvP was used to grow.

    First few months after release? Until pwars were figured out?
  2. PWARs were exploited. People sat in a pwar as a cow and logged back in 3 days later to a load of cash for keeping war tax.

    If pvp paid out well, AND was the only way to grow your kingdom, wouldn't you enjoy the game much more than it is today?

    Maybe you never got to play pre-mobile PvP only text-click war games. I dont know. But they were much more socially involved than KaW because everyone had to log in to go through incoming logs to determine if there's excessive hits coming in.
  3. The game simply has never involved growing through PvP

  4. Maybe not, but I agree it should. Game gets less interesting by the moment. I find it completely backwards that war of any form,, be it osw or ee, is far less rewarding than hitting the repeat button on hte. Stats matter now, not allies or equip.
  5. PvP helps me grow
  6. I agree that pvp needs a kick start it is dying thats a fact.i suppot your idea just not the 59 noobs to do it.
  7. Not read all of thread

    Support but would be nice to see it last as long as a seal 6 hours instead of the 1.
  8. You cared don't you suckah?
  9. Full Support!!
  10. Sounds like a plan , SUPPORT !!!! VIX great thread as always
  11. When ur not the size of a 1day alt let me know?
  12. I fully support this idea but hopefully they increase the durarion to 3 hours at least, and also a random drop from battle list hits only, like a 1/300 chance.
  13. Support. Best part is you can use 24 xtals with this on one instead of just 6. 
  14. Great idea and full support of course to family. In addition;(may have been suggested already) extend the duration of each plea.
  15. @Vixen
    I SUPPORT your make the game more attractive and fast,or not an experienced osw player or pvp player but i like this idea basing my op in the pvp events.
  16. $10 for 3x pvp payout for 24hrs...make it a good deal for both devs and players
  17. Support ️
  18. This sums me up when hitting battle list.