doubt they will ever do that. i imagine they would rather everyone spends a little extra in order to feel safe.
Assassin I'm not complaining about the fact that money is needed to be successful in this "hobby" I'm really just pointing out the fact that people work their asses off during these events and war seasons for items that are essentially outdated a few months after they are released . If lord commander really has 160k favors he worked his ass off. Problem is The next event banner will be .5% better
Well I started the event at 600cs and during it through pvp got to 6mil cs, 1k of every pot, will get an awesome looking banner (screw the stats the banner is sweet), around $50 value in prizes, some shoulders, aqua/inferno, and made 900+ mith. Worth it imo.
Final results 1) LoRD-CoMMaNDeR-SoRA - 160704 2) Chaos - 154450 3) EricT9 - 146957 4) _C_o__u_s_Y_ - 146856 5) Vamperous - 146768 6) lyIIolIuIIrIlmlloIItIlhlIelIrI - 142322 7) ---Spyke--- - 142318 8) ________DL____ - 138614 9) PhaMalicious - 138101 10) DirtyLarry - 136651 … 100) -GoOse_iS_LoOsE- - 58440 … 500) The-Keelhauled-Pirate-Captain - 28989 … 1000) dRahat4 - 15311
Again, let this event be a lesson to those that still believe Devs will play fair in future events :3 Anyways. Happy kawing