Imperial Favor Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. 2 more days of this hell and then I'm free to have a life again
  2. yes. it's this event that is keeping me from having a life. :?
  3. what is this... "life" that you speak of :shock:
  4. "Life" has amazing graphics but the story and control systems suck.
  5. So high :/
  6. Well it certainly doesn't involve pinning myself 15-20 hours a day XD realistically it probably will involve me getting bored of kaw and playing a different game until I regen o.o
  7. I have 106,000 cool

  8. lots of it fast

  9. Good for you... Were so proud of you... Make
    Sure you let us know when you graduate to big boy pants okay?
  10. You pay awful, that's a lie
  11. LB just updated :)
  12. KaW, for tomorrow, would you mind having one update at 12 pm, and aswell as 11:58 pm?
  13. Ready for the update :)
    (Bump for today's lb)
  14. Hopefully top 500 should be around 24k
  15. may hit 25k. people are going to be pushing to get top500/keep top 500.
  16. Well I'm at 29.5k so I should be fine. Depending on the results I might have to keep no-lifing 
  17. Today is 10th kaw_com....
  18. Lool.
  19. Feb 12th...